[Vision2020] Weapons of mass dinosaurs
Tim Lohrmann
Mon, 18 Aug 2003 10:00:38 -0700 (PDT)
That wasn't ANY of the publications you mentioned,
but was instead the prestigious WEEKLY WORLD NEWS.
WWN inhabits a unique corner of the tabloid
Most tabloids are constrained by an obsession with
celebrity gossip, near topless starlets and attempts
to make their stories appear at least by some stretch
Not so with the WWN.
WWN has broken free from these constraints--
embracing instead the diversity of a brave new world
of alien political brokers, cave dwelling bat-boys and
3,000 lb fugitives on the rampage.
Accompanying these vital breaking news-bits are the
enlightened political views of Ed Anger and the "to
the point" advisories of their proprietary advice
columnist Dear Dotti.
In other words WWN ain't your mama's Hollywood
Or so they say.
--- Carl Westberg <carlwestberg846@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I was standing in a supermarket checkout line on
> Saturday, and was perusing
> the headines in the National Enquirer, or the Star,
> or Globe, or Wall Street
> Journal, I can't remember which one. The story,
> with accompanying photo,
> was about Saddam Hussein's dastardly plot to develop
> an army of killer
> dinosaurs. Not only that, but according to the
> story, George W. Bush KNEW
> about this. Why didn't he just tell us? This is
> one American who cannot
> allow a foreign Axis of evil-doer to unleash
> squadrons of rampaging T-Rexes
> on our country. Can you imagine the mess they'd
> leave behind for the
> unfortunate survivors of such an attack to clean up?
> They don't make
> pooper-scoopers big enough for the job. Now that I
> know this, and that it
> came from such an unimpeachable source, I align
> myself firmly with Donald
> Rumsfeld. This cannot be tolerated.
> Carl Westberg Jr.
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