[Vision2020] whoa nellie !!!!

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 29 18:36:07 PDT 2014

On 04/29/2014 05:05 PM, Scott Dredge wrote:
> Rose
> Paul didn't invoke 'free spech', Sue did so maybe you should be 
> berating her instead.  Paul was just asking if the NBA levying their 
> maximum penalty of lifetime ban + $2.5 million fine was over top and 
> was he the only one who wasn't shocked by Sterling's alleged racist 
> sound bites.  Paul also is not too fond that 'we have become a nation 
> of nittering ninnies'.
> I myself am unsure of what a 'nittering ninny' is, but I'm not that 
> thrilled that about the knee jerk emotional reactions on a wide 
> variety of issues that occur several times per month.

"nattering": talk casually, especially about unimportant matters; chatter.
"ninny": (short for "nincompoop") a foolish person.

I was picturing a bunch of grandmas with their knitting needles and 
their bifocals looking utterly horrified that someone actually said 
something bad about black people in private, and earnestly conversing 
about it.

> FWIW, I don't think the punishment meted out by the NBA is 'over the 
> top', but I'm skeptical that it's being done based on principle as 
> opposed to being done as a Public Relations stunt in attempt to shield 
> the NBA itself from being soft on racism. Sterling has been a known 
> racist for decades and that hasn't been a problem because it was 
> contained and no one was protesting it.  Now that we're in the brave 
> new world or social media, it's easier for the mob to grab their 
> virtual pitchforks and torches and chase unpolitically correct types 
> back under the rocks from which they crawled from under.
> BTW, what's the qualification for being a member of the 'good guys'?  
> Siding with the mob?  If so, I'll pass.  I'll just come to my own 
> belated decision on this based on all the facts of the case at hand.  
> So far I haven't see a full transcript of the taped conversation and 
> haven't been able to find one online.  My sense is that this whole 
> blown out of proportion story follows the script of 'image is 
> everything' from Sterling wanting a hot chick sitting next to him to 
> improve his image, to Sterling not wanting black people around his hot 
> chick because he thought (for some odd reason) that would hurt her 
> image and his image, to the NBA dishing out punishment to Sterling to 
> protect their own image.

I ran into the sub-titled recording on youtube: 

I'm sure this is all about image and showing everyone that the NBA is on 
the "right side" of this issue, knowing that the public will forget all 
about it next week.

> Meanwhile everyone want to just sweep a small problem (Sterling) under 
> the rug and do very little about the larger problem of racism and 
> discrimination in general.
> -Scott
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: donaldrose at cpcinternet.com
> To: vision2020 at moscow.com
> Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 16:03:49 -0700
> Subject: [Vision2020] whoa nellie !!!!
> Donald Sterling (an assumed name by the way since his birth name 
> didn't suit him which is disgusting in itself) is a  jaw sagging, age 
> bespeckled, whore mongering, adultery committing, billionaire who is 
> also a racist.  Except for the billionaire part these kind of 
> jackasses are thick on the ground, and if you don't think so, Paul you 
> don't around enough.  Probably none of the above is a crime,  although 
> adultery might be in some states.  The NBA put up with his disgusting 
> behavior -- which was well documented -- for thirty years.  
> Eventually, the NBA was placed in the position of having to do 
> something.  (reread the second sentence Paul).  I am delighted they 
> popped his sorry ass.  And, it sure as hell isn't a privacy issue 
> because girl friend shared the tape.  Guess, we can just call it a 
> pretty spectacular lesson on the importance of discretion.
> This isn't a free speech issue Paul, no matter how you'd like it to 
> be. It just kills me that you strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.  
> Why don't you surprise us sometime and line up behind the good guys 
> for a change?
> Rose Huskey
> ======================================================= List services 
> made available by First Step Internet, serving the communities of the 
> Palouse since 1994. http://www.fsr.net mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com 
> =======================================================
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: donaldrose at cpcinternet.com
> To: vision2020 at moscow.com
> Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 16:03:49 -0700
> Subject: [Vision2020] whoa nellie !!!!
> Donald Sterling (an assumed name by the way since his birth name 
> didn't suit him which is disgusting in itself) is a  jaw sagging, age 
> bespeckled, whore mongering, adultery committing, billionaire who is 
> also a racist.  Except for the billionaire part these kind of 
> jackasses are thick on the ground, and if you don't think so, Paul you 
> don't around enough.  Probably none of the above is a crime,  although 
> adultery might be in some states.  The NBA put up with his disgusting 
> behavior -- which was well documented -- for thirty years.  
> Eventually, the NBA was placed in the position of having to do 
> something.  (reread the second sentence Paul).  I am delighted they 
> popped his sorry ass.  And, it sure as hell isn't a privacy issue 
> because girl friend shared the tape.  Guess, we can just call it a 
> pretty spectacular lesson on the importance of discretion.
> This isn't a free speech issue Paul, no matter how you'd like it to 
> be. It just kills me that you strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.  
> Why don't you surprise us sometime and line up behind the good guys 
> for a change?
> Rose Huskey
> ======================================================= List services 
> made available by First Step Internet, serving the communities of the 
> Palouse since 1994. http://www.fsr.net mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com 
> =======================================================
> =======================================================
>   List services made available by First Step Internet,
>   serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.
>                 http://www.fsr.net
>            mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com
> =======================================================

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