[Vision2020] Your pal, the Pornographic Preacher, Mark Driscoll

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Thu Aug 18 20:54:15 PDT 2011

Should this really surprise anyone about Douglas Wilson, importer and enabler of serial pedophile Steven Sitler?

Given the prurient nature of Driscoll's hard driven obsessions, Wilson's proclivities and wide ranging areas of practice, one wonder's if a certain divorcee who once resided in University Heights will be attending this so-called "Christian" conference.  One wonders how much the pastor's practices, once discovered, contributed to the divorce.  One also wonders if the aggrieved ex-husband has any self respect, manhood, or moxie at all.

This conference is not a case of "Would a rose smell under another name?" but a case of a ersatz rose smelling like a corpse exposed to the tropical sun for a week.


From: Rosemary Huskey 
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 7:55 PM
To: edeby at moscownaz.org ; office at christkirk.com 
Cc: vision2020 at moscow.com 
Subject: [Vision2020] Your pal, the Pornographic Preacher, Mark Driscoll

Warning:  This Email contains material that may be offensive to the reader, - it certainly is to me.  If you are upset by it, please contact  Doug Wilson, pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, and/or Ed Eby, pastor of the Nazarene Church in Moscow to thank them for bringing Mark Driscoll to Moscow thus, to my attention, and subsequently to the Vision 2020 community.  We all should share in the blessings that the Kirks offers, don't you think?


Greetings  to Christ Church Elders Dale Courtney, Dr. John Grauke, Matt Gray, Ed Iverson, Mike Lawyer, Csaba Leidenfrost, Ben Merkle, Jim Nance, John Sawyer, Wes Struble, Matt Whitling, Gordon Wilson, Doug Wilson, Ed Eby, pastor of the Nazarene Church in Moscow, and members of the Nazarene Church in Moscow who might read Vision 2020.


Just wondering, fellas, if the Nazarene Church sanctuary is large enough to hold the crowd of excited wankers who will be listening avidly while guest speaker, Mark Driscoll,  wows and delights them at the most recent incarnation of the Trinity Fest?  Talk about hitting record lows, this is an Olympic level of depravity even for you and the Toadies, Doug. 


Mr. Eby (I am soooo done addressing you as pastor, after you allowed convicted serial pedophile Steven Sitler - and his young bride, Katie Travis, to marry in your church) why in the name of heaven are you welcoming the Bevis and Butthead of the Reformed world to preach in your sanctuary?  When are you going to learn that when you lie down with dogs (Doug's???) you'll come up with fleas? Your decision to allow Driscoll in your church - as anything but a repentant sinner  - speaks volumes about the current state of the leadership of the local Nazarene Church.  Perhaps, although it doesn't seem likely at this point, you will learn that the money the Kirk pays you for the use of your facility is a pittance compared to the damage they do to your reputation and the dignity of your congregation. You don't really think Christ Church elders give a rat's fanny about you or your flock, do you?  Hint: they don't, your church building is just convenient.    For those 2020 readers who have never heard of Mark Driscoll please read the article below by respected, conservative Christian author and radio host Ingrid Schlueter.  


Oh, and Doug, is Mark Driscoll going to be speaking to the ladies group taught by your wife and daughters, ("Dangerous Women") ?  It seems to me that the content of his "sermons" are really intended to inspire them to . . . well, unlike Mark Driscoll, I'll just leave it there.  It is my prayerful hope that you won't humiliate and embarrass them with his presence.  


This most recent dog and pony show proves once again that you and the Toadies remain a gaggle of pretentious, swaggering, perpetual adolescences who have not matured one scintilla since your remarkably stupid April Fools prank. [scroll down to page 20, the column called "Rattle and Hum" by Doug Wilson:  third paragraph beginning "By the time you receive this, our local police will probably have forgotten all about it, so a little bragging is now safe, and perhaps it is even in order"  edition: 11 -3 of Doug's self-published journal Credenda Agenda .]  Now, twelve years later we are offered a dogs dish of a vision, shriveled-shanked, belly-sagging, gluttonous, gray bearded (with bits and bobs of breakfast still nestled in amongst the scraggy hairs), aging old men in button shirts and size 46 Dockers deluding themselves into believing that they represent splendid patriarchal  specimens to their (have-to-be) submissive wives.  Sad, so sad, while simultaneously ludicrous. 

Rose Huskey


WARNING:  The links to Mars Hill contain explicit  language and descriptions.  In fact, I am not comfortable posting them.  So, I am going to do some heavy editing and you will have to go to the original article link (below) to read the original version.    



Sexpert Pastor Mark Driscoll is Told, 'Enough is Enough'

Contact: Ingrid Schlueter, Co-Host, Crosstalk Radio Talk Show, 414-881-5852, 

MEDIA ADVISORY, Jan. 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- For years, Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle has styled himself as hip and relevant and gritty. He's made a name for himself with his irreverence, his ultra-cool persona and most of all, for his crass discussion of sexual matters. It is this discussion of sexual matters that is increasingly removing Mr. Driscoll from the company of Christians who believe he long ago crossed a line of acceptable conduct for an evangelical pastor.

Pastor Driscoll, in a recent blog post, promotes a website called XXXXXXXX  which features articles on how a Christian wife can turn herself into XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Driscoll also sees himself as a sex advice counselor on his Mars Hill Blog, dispensing his recommendations for things XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx. In short, he makes Planned Parenthood instructional videos look tame.

The fact that this press release is unlikely to make it through Internet filters speaks for itself. Author and former head of Eagle Forum in Washington state, Cathy Mickels, issued a press release yesterday, decrying the foul material being passed off in the name of relevant ministry by Mr. Driscoll. I join Mrs. Mickels in her profound disgust that this pastor has been legitimized and endorsed by leading Bible teachers like John Piper and Erwin Lutzer. Driscoll is allowed the platform that he has because Christian leaders have not said, "enough is enough!" Women are now having to speak up about the degrading and filthy content of Mr. Driscoll's "ministry."

At a time when American young people are hit in the face with graphic sexuality in every facet of our culture, the church should be a safe haven where the sacredness and privacy of the act of marriage is respected by pastors. Those with sexual issues need to receive private counseling---not sex seminars in a church auditorium. For generations, Christian pastors have managed to convey the Scripture's teachings on fornication, adultery and the beauty of sexuality within marriage without sullying and cheapening it, Driscoll-style.

Mark Driscoll is a sad product of our times. While waving his orthodox doctrinal credentials, he has simultaneously embraced the spirit of the age when it comes to his treatment of sex. In the process, he is pornifying the church and only adding to the moral squalor of our culture.

Contact: Ingrid Schlueter, Co-Host 
Crosstalk Radio Talk Show






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