[Vision2020] Obama to Name Sotomayor as Supreme Court Pick

Joe Campbell philosopher.joe at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 11:50:28 PDT 2009

Sorry I was just copying part of your reply to Saundra back at you so  
that you could get a feel for why she might be offended.

Joe Campbell

On Jun 5, 2009, at 9:32 AM, lfalen <lfalen at turbonet.com> wrote:

> I see several typo's here nothing more.
> Roger
> -----Original message-----
> From: Joe Campbell philosopher.joe at gmail.com
> Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2009 02:20:59 -0700
> To: lfalen lfalen at turbonet.com
> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Obama to Name Sotomayor as Supreme Court  
> Pick
>> I think this post is probably a lie.
>> Read this carefully, Roger!
>> Joe Campbell
>> On Jun 4, 2009, at 10:28 AM, lfalen <lfalen at turbonet.com> wrote:
>>> Saundra
>>> I am glad that you disapprove of all tax cheats. I still find you
>>> strange tha you choose to expound only on those associated with the
>>> right an remain  silent on those appointed bt Obama.
>>> You should read my post more carefully. I did NOT say that you
>>> posted all of the false  statements I listed. I said that I thought
>>> you probably posted some of them. If you did and then corrected it
>>> later, thats great. I will accept your word for it.
>>> I have not made excuses for my errors. I think I elaborated on them
>>> at length.
>>> Roger
>>> -----Original message-----
>>> From: "Saundra Lund" v2020 at ssl.fastmail.fm
>>> Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2009 11:56:35 -0700
>>> To: "'lfalen'" lfalen at turbonet.com, "'keely emerinemix'" kjajmix1 at msn.com
>>> , "'Tom Hansen'" thansen at moscow.com, vision2020 at moscow.com
>>> Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Obama to Name Sotomayor as Supreme Court
>>> Pick
>>>> Roger:
>>>> You wrote:
>>>> "You continue to beat up on Joe the Plummer, but you still do not
>>>> say anything about the tax cheats that Oboma has appointed."
>>>> No, I don't "beat up" on him -- I state facts.  Period.
>>>> You also asked:
>>>> "Is is ok by you that that rich lefts in a position of power cheat
>>>> on their taxes"
>>>> No, as you should know, I'm against tax cheats of all kinds,
>>>> including those who are local.  I don't post on or respond to every
>>>> topic that strikes my fancy, but I am more inclined to respond to
>>>> posts that put information I know is incorrect or incomplete out
>>>> there -- like yours.
>>>> You also wrote:
>>>> "I think it a little sanctimonious to claim that you never
>>>> inadvertently posted erroneous information."
>>>> That's not what I wrote.  What I wrote with respect to your false
>>>> accusations about the posts I did about Palin was, "I posted facts
>>>> and corrected rumors."  Please read a little more carefully before
>>>> you hurl baseless accusations around!  I know this list sometimes
>>>> has a lot of traffic and that not everyone (perhaps anyone!) can
>>>> remember it all, but I have *never ever* had any qualms about
>>>> correcting things I've posted that were inaccurate or incomplete
>>>> here.  I can think of several instances where I had to correct
>>>> myself, either for things I found out after posting or when other
>>>> Visionaries brought more information to my attention.
>>>> And, guess what?  I accepted responsibility and didn't make excuses
>>>> for those errors.  Maybe you should try it sometime?
>>>> As for your list, STOP IT, Roger!!!  Quit making false accusations
>>>> about what you "venture" to guess as to what Palin "rumors" I
>>>> posted because you are DEAD WRONG.
>>>> You wrote:
>>>> "Africa was a country not a continent."
>>>> Nope -- I posted nothing of the sort.  I did post about her ties to
>>>> the infamous Muthee.  However, I'm quite sure I remember FOX News
>>>> making a very big deal about Palin not knowing that Africa was a
>>>> continent rather than a country . . . yuppers, there are quite a
>>>> few videos available of the various discussions on FOX News --
>>>> here's only one such link:
>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Whj_bu4YhE
>>>> You wrote:
>>>> "A long list of books that she wanted banned which included Harry
>>>> Potter and books by Mark Twain. She did ask how a request to ban
>>>> books would be handled, because a patron had asked the library to
>>>> remove a book and she wanted to know how should disputes were
>>>> handled. The Librarian was fired, but was hired back the next
>>>> day.There was no list of books submitted by her."
>>>> Wrong again, Roger:  I was the first one here to point out --
>>>> repeatedly -- the facts about that.  Before you accusing me of
>>>> things I didn't do, you should at least have the common decency to
>>>> get your facts straight.  Feel free to take your precious time to
>>>> look at my posts on 9/7/2008, and then apologize.
>>>> You wrote:
>>>> "Sarah Palin was a member of the Alaska Independence Party. She did
>>>> go to one meeting and Todd was a member from1995 to 2000"
>>>> Nope -- I sure didn't post anything of the sort.  Perhaps what
>>>> you're remembering is my post on 10/11/2008 that greatly
>>>> illuminated her ties to right-wing radicals like Mark Chryson and
>>>> Steve Stoll.
>>>> You also wrote:
>>>> "Palin charged victims of rape for rape kits."
>>>> Wrong again -- I posted that the police chief ***Palin*** appointed
>>>> was against legislation prohibiting municipalities from charging
>>>> rape victims for rape kits, legislation that was required to stop
>>>> Wasilla from charging rape victims.  See my posts from 9/9, 9/10,
>>>> and 9/12/2008.
>>>> You wrote:
>>>> "Palin faked a pregnency and Trig was actually Bristol's"
>>>> I'm sounding like broken record, but you are absolutely wrong:  I
>>>> posted absolutely nothing of the sort!
>>>> You also wrote:
>>>> "Palin had a affair with Todd's bussiness partner."
>>>> For the love of God, STOP IT, ROGER!!!  I posted no such thing, and
>>>> I vehemently object to you dishonestly attributing outrageous
>>>> things to me!
>>>> Look -- if you want to post things on V2020, then you need to be
>>>> willing to accept the discussion that follows WITHOUT resorting to
>>>> making scurrilous accusations against those who disagree with you
>>>> or respond with more accurate &/or complete information.
>>>> Frankly, you should be ashamed of yourself, Roger.  It's one thing
>>>> to (repeatedly) pass along the kind of knee-jerk stuff you do
>>>> without taking 30 seconds to check for accuracy, but it's a
>>>> completely different think to make blatantly false accusations
>>>> about those who respond to your nonsense.  Some of us who
>>>> participate in these discussions actually CARE about our
>>>> reputations for accuracy.  You don't care about yours, and that's
>>>> your choice, but how DARE you make absolutely baseless accusations
>>>> against those of us who do.
>>>> Saundra Lund
>>>> Moscow, ID
>>>> The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people
>>>> to do nothing.
>>>> ~ Edmund Burke
>>>> ***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2009 through
>>>> life plus 70 years, Saundra Lund.  Do not copy, forward, excerpt,
>>>> or reproduce outside the Vision 2020 forum without the express
>>>> written permission of the author.*****
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: lfalen [mailto:lfalen at turbonet.com]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 10:32 AM
>>>> To: Saundra Lund; 'Saundra Lund'; 'keely emerinemix'; 'Tom  
>>>> Hansen'; vision2020 at moscow.com
>>>> Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Obama to Name Sotomayor as Supreme Court
>>>> Pick
>>>> Saundra
>>>> I readily admit that I have posted material that turned out to be
>>>> false. I have never intentionally done so. I check Snopes on
>>>> material that I receive that I think is suspect. There are some
>>>> that I did not check that I should have.
>>>> My computer is slow, If  something does not come up in a couple of
>>>> minutes I move on. I have other things to do than camp on the
>>>> internet.
>>>> You continue to beat up on Joe the Plummer, but you still do not
>>>> say anything about the tax cheats that Oboma has appointed. Is is
>>>> ok by you that that rich lefts in a position of power cheat on
>>>> their taxes How abut equal treatment.
>>>> I think it a little sanctimonious to claim that you never
>>>> inadvertently posted erroneous information.
>>>> Here is a partial list of false information that is out there on
>>>> Palin. This list is no means exhaustive.
>>>> Africa was a country not a continent.
>>>> A long list of books that she wanted banned which included Harry
>>>> Potter and books by Mark Twain. She did ask how a request to ban
>>>> books would be handled, because a patron had asked the library to
>>>> remove a book and she wanted to know how should disputes were
>>>> handled. The Librarian was fired, but was hired back the next
>>>> day.There was no list of books submitted by her.
>>>> Sarah Palin was a member of the Alaska Independence Party. She did
>>>> go to one meeting and Todd was a member from1995 to 2000
>>>> Palin charged victims of rape for rape kits.
>>>> Palin faked a pregnency and Trig was actually Bristol's
>>>> Palin had a affair with Todd's bussiness partner.
>>>> I do not have  the time to check out your posts on the archives,
>>>> but I would venture that some of these show up there.
>>>> Why not just admit that we all make mistakes?
>>>> Roger
>>>> -----Original message-----
>>>> From: "Saundra Lund" v2020 at ssl.fastmail.fm
>>>> Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 12:19:15 -0700
>>>> To: "'lfalen'" lfalen at turbonet.com, "'Saundra Lund'" sslund_2007 at verizon.net
>>>> , "'keely emerinemix'" kjajmix1 at msn.com, "'Tom Hansen'" thansen at moscow.com
>>>> , vision2020 at moscow.com
>>>> Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Obama to Name Sotomayor as Supreme Court
>>>> Pick
>>>>> Roger wrote:
>>>>> "While I did not quote her full statements I do not think it
>>>>> skewed the
>>>>> meaning."
>>>>> Then I can only assume you didn't bother to read the links or else
>>>>> you'd
>>>>> readily admit that your talking heads have excelled at nothing so
>>>>> much as
>>>>> taking the snips out of context.
>>>>> You also wrote:
>>>>> "For someone who posted every rumor about Sarah Palin yo do not
>>>>> have much
>>>>> room to talk."
>>>>> Wrong again:  I posted facts and corrected rumors.
>>>>> You also wrote:
>>>>> "Also If i remember correctly you landed all over Joe The Plummer
>>>>> for being
>>>>> a tax cheat."
>>>>> Yes, he was a tax cheat & a liar, and it was idiotic for the GOP
>>>>> to try to
>>>>> dress him us as anything different.  Don't blame me for his very  
>>>>> own
>>>>> transgressions -- blame your compatriots for not having the sense
>>>>> God gave a
>>>>> billy goat.  Sheesh -- anyone with a scintilla of intelligence
>>>>> knows better
>>>>> than to trot out a new poster boy without doing even simple Google
>>>>> search.
>>>>> Please do tell us why you're going ape over Sotomayor while not
>>>>> giving a rip
>>>>> that what she said isn't much different than Scalia's opinion in
>>>>> (http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/01-521.ZO.html):
>>>>> "This complete separation of the judiciary from the enterprise of
>>>>> "representative government" might have some truth in those
>>>>> countries where
>>>>> judges neither make law themselves nor set aside the laws enacted
>>>>> by the
>>>>> legislature. It is not a true picture of the American system. Not
>>>>> only do
>>>>> state-court judges possess the power to "make" common law, but
>>>>> they have the
>>>>> immense power to shape the States' constitutions as well. See,
>>>>> e.g., Baker
>>>>> v. State, 170 Vt. 194, 744 A. 2d 864 (1999). Which is precisely
>>>>> why the
>>>>> election of state judges became popular."
>>>>> AND
>>>>> "Although Justice [John Paul] Stevens at times appears to agree
>>>>> with Justice
>>>>> [Ruth Bader] Ginsburg's premise that the judiciary is completely
>>>>> separated
>>>>> from the enterprise of representative government, post, at 3
>>>>> ("[E]very good
>>>>> judge is fully aware of the distinction between the law and a
>>>>> personal point
>>>>> of view"), he eventually appears to concede that the separation
>>>>> does not
>>>>> hold true for many judges who sit on courts of last resort, post,
>>>>> at 3 ("If
>>>>> he is not a judge on the highest court in the State, he has an
>>>>> obligation to
>>>>> follow the precedent of that court, not his personal views or
>>>>> public opinion
>>>>> polls"); post, at 3, n. 2. Even if the policy making capacity of
>>>>> judges were
>>>>> limited to courts of last resort, that would only prove that the
>>>>> announce
>>>>> clause fails strict scrutiny. "[I]f announcing one's views in the
>>>>> context of
>>>>> a campaign for the State Supreme Court might be" protected speech,
>>>>> post, at
>>>>> 3, n. 2, then-even if announcing one's views in the context of a
>>>>> campaign
>>>>> for a lower court were not protected speech, ibid.-the announce
>>>>> clause would
>>>>> not be narrowly tailored, since it applies to high- and low-court
>>>>> candidates
>>>>> alike. In fact, however, the judges of inferior courts often "make
>>>>> law,"
>>>>> since the precedent of the highest court does not cover every
>>>>> situation, and
>>>>> not every case is reviewed. Justice Stevens has repeatedly
>>>>> expressed the
>>>>> view that a settled course of lower court opinions binds the
>>>>> highest court.
>>>>> See, e.g., Reves v. Ernst & Young, 494 U.S. 56, 74 (1990)
>>>>> (concurring
>>>>> opinion); McNally v. United States, 483 U.S. 350, 376--377 (1987)
>>>>> (dissenting opinion)."
>>>>> Get your shovel & start digging, Roger, because the more you keep
>>>>> saying,
>>>>> the deeper you keep digging your hole.
>>>>> Saundra Lund
>>>>> Moscow, ID
>>>>> The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good
>>>>> people to do
>>>>> nothing.
>>>>> ~ Edmund Burke
>>>>> ***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2009 through
>>>>> life plus
>>>>> 70 years, Saundra Lund.  Do not copy, forward, excerpt, or
>>>>> reproduce outside
>>>>> the Vision 2020 forum without the express written permission of  
>>>>> the
>>>>> author.*****
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