[Vision2020] Sotomayor: US Supreme Court's Sixth Catholic?

g. crabtree jampot at roadrunner.com
Fri Jun 5 05:41:52 PDT 2009

You're welcome, I suppose. It's a good thing that you choose an occupation where any interpretation (no matter how off the mark) of any subject can be seen as valid. A second grader would have been able to discern that my contempt was for a pair of slimy politicians that pay scant lip service to The Church and not for Catholicism itself. I would be pleasantly surprised if the most recent supreme court nominee turned out to take her professed religion seriously, I'm just a little skeptical that it will turn out to be the case. When it comes to upper level lefties it seldom does.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Campbell" <philosopher.joe at gmail.com>
To: "g. crabtree" <jampot at roadrunner.com>
Cc: "lfalen" <lfalen at turbonet.com>; "Ted Moffett" <starbliss at gmail.com>; "Moscow Vision 2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 2:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Sotomayor: US Supreme Court's Sixth Catholic?

> Thanks Gary for sticking up for religions that defend SLAVERY but for  
> kicking them down when they come from the left!
> Joe Campbell
> On Jun 4, 2009, at 5:24 PM, "g. crabtree" <jampot at roadrunner.com> wrote:
>> Fat chance. Roger. I suspect that her Catholicism is more in the  
>> tradition
>> of Ted Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi. A box to check on the appropriate  
>> forms and
>> little else.
>> g
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "lfalen" <lfalen at turbonet.com>
>> To: "Ted Moffett" <starbliss at gmail.com>; "Moscow Vision 2020"
>> <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 10:44 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Sotomayor: US Supreme Court's Sixth  
>> Catholic?
>>> I do not think that her views on abortion are well known. If turns  
>>> out that
>>> she is pro-life, I lot of you with the possible exception of Keely  
>>> will be
>>> less enthused with her appointment. It would be ironic if she  
>>> turned out to
>>> be the reverse of Souter on the abortion issue.
>>> Roger
>>> -----Original message-----
>>> From: Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
>>> Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2009 01:41:37 -0700
>>> To: Moscow Vision 2020 vision2020 at moscow.com
>>> Subject: [Vision2020] Sotomayor: US Supreme Court's Sixth Catholic?
>>>> Gender, racial or ethnic background may or may not be important in a
>>>> choice
>>>> for a US Supreme Court justice, but it seems religious background  
>>>> is not
>>>> a
>>>> major focus in the case of Sotomayor's nomination.
>>>> And why is this issue not on the front page?  If she were Muslim,  
>>>> Hindu
>>>> or
>>>> Atheist, the full force of the religious bias in the US body politic
>>>> towards
>>>> a challenge to the Christian/Judaism monopoly on US politics would  
>>>> be
>>>> revealed, despite the claim of the religious right that  
>>>> Christianity is
>>>> being marginalized in government.  Religion is a dominant  
>>>> influence on
>>>> ideology that should be open to full critical rational fact based
>>>> discussion, as well as gender, racial or ethnic background.
>>>> Article on Sotomayor's Catholic background:
>>>> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/31/us/politics/31catholics.html?ref=global-home
>>>> -------------------
>>>> Why is there not a single US Senator who declares themselves of  
>>>> another
>>>> religious background than Christian or Jewish, of one variety or  
>>>> another?
>>>> There are two US Senators who are "unspecified."  Now there's a  
>>>> faith for
>>>> you!
>>>> http://www.adherents.com/adh_congress.html#109
>>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_Affiliation_in_the_United_States_Senate
>>>>> From website above:
>>>> According to the data, no Senator falls under the category "No
>>>> Religion/Atheist/Agnostic" - a category embodied by 15.0% of the  
>>>> U.S.
>>>> population according to the 2001 Census.
>>>> -------------------
>>>> Religion is the most pervasive form of prejudice against a political
>>>> position (and despite what some might wish otherwise, US Supreme  
>>>> Court
>>>> justice nominations are very political in nature) in US politics,  
>>>> in the
>>>> US
>>>> Senate or the presidency.  More than gender, race or ethnicity.
>>>> No politician running for the US Senate or the presidency would  
>>>> stand a
>>>> chance if they openly declared themselves Atheist.
>>>> Ted Moffett
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