[Vision2020] State law and Wal-Mart

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 14 19:16:15 PST 2006

"I urge him (Tom Trail)to work with other legislators
to pass legislation similar to Maryland's which forces
Walmart to stop dumping health care costs for their
workers on taxpayers."-Bill London

If legislators hold Wal-Mart accountable for the
number of their employees on government assistance, 
they will not hire as many single moms, senior citizens,
and the disabled anymore. A group that has a difficult 
time finding part work already. Most people on Disability
or SSI intentionally work just enough hours not to lose
their benefits. 

Take Care,


Bill London <london at moscow.com> wrote:  Again, my thanks to Tom Trail for his communication with V2020....
And thanks for his interest in protecting Moscow from Wal-Mart (see below)
I urge him to work with other legislators to pass legislation similar to
Maryland's which forces Walmart to stop dumping health care costs for their
workers on taxpayers.

 6. Wal-Mart  --  With all the discussion taking place in Moscow about the
> possibility of a giant Wal-Mart getting started, it is advisable to keep
> your eyes on what might happen at the state level.  I talked with Speaker
> Bruce Newcomb.  Speaker Newcomb told me that Wal-Mart has "sucked dry" two
> communities in his district.  Many small businesses have gone out of
> business, and property taxes produced by businesses have fallen off.
>   Speaker Newcomb is also concerned about companies like Wal-Mart that pay
> low wages and limited health benefits.  Many states have discovered that
> Wal-Mart and other large companies encourage their workers to seek state
> assistance for health benefits, welfare, food stamps, and other similar
> forms of assistance.  This is shifting medical costs to the taxpayer.  The
> Speaker has asked Health and Welfare to conduct a survey of all
> companies who employ over 10,000 people in the state  to assess how
> prevalent this problem is.  He is ready to introduce a Fair Health Care
> Insurance piece of legislation modeled after that of some 20 some other
> states.  This would require big box companies to contribute at least 8
> percent of their pay roll to employee health care.  The state of Maryland
> just passed this type of legislation (overriding a veto on the way).

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