[Vision2020] Time Travelers Convention?

Chris Storhok cstorhok at co.fairbanks.ak.us
Mon May 9 15:13:05 PDT 2005

In the modern Star Trek "Enterprise" I would say this fits well into the "In
a Mirror, Darkly" episode...perhaps this horrible incident in the parallel
Moscow leads to the execution of the Vulcans in Billings, Mt. in 2061?  

Chris Storhok

-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com
[mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]On Behalf Of Bruce and Jean
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 2:02 PM
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Time Travelers Convention?

Carl, this sounds like it was inspired by an original Star Trek episode, the

"City on the Edge of Forever."  I have no theories for you, but if you want 
to spend some time on it, could you at least work Joan Collins into it?

Bruce Livingston

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carl Westberg" <carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com>
To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2005 2:48 PM
Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Time Travelers Convention?

> This is a heavy onus to lay on me, Ted.  Perhaps the responsible thing to 
> do would be to hop back in time to last Friday and not send the NY Times 
> article about the time traveller's convention which evidently started the 
> whole thing.  But then again, by doing that, could I not unleash 
> unexpected consequences vis-a-vis chaos theory?  If I didn't send it, then

> you wouldn't have spent the time writing about time travel, and may 
> instead have decided to go downtown for a cup of coffee.  In crossing the 
> street, you may have stepped in front of a chip truck, forcing it to 
> swerve into the next lane, causing a multi car pile-up, resulting in 
> injuries.  One of the injured people could have been a certain ardent 
> anti-school levy type, who, upon having his injuries evaluated, was told 
> he would need a blood transfusion.  To top it off, it would be discovered 
> that he has a rare blood type matched only by a certain ardent school levy

> supporter.  This, of course, would create an obvious dilemma.  Any 
> theories on this?                            Carl Westberg Jr.
>>From: Tbertruss at aol.com
>>To: thansen at moscow.com, donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com, 
>>whayman at adelphia.net, predator75 at moscow.com, dgray at uidaho.edu
>>CC: vision2020 at moscow.com
>>Subject: [Vision2020] Time Travelers Convention?
>>Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 16:24:07 EDT
>>Tom et. al.
>>Blame Carl Westberg.  I believe these posts from Carl started or at least
>>encouraged the discussion of time travel.  In fact Carl in one post 
>>blessed the
>>idea of this discussion with an "Amen."  I'm glad Carl has found religion!
>>Ted Moffett
>>Subj:   Re: [Vision2020] date today Date:   5/6/2005 12:54:45 PM Pacific 
>>Daylight Time
>>From:   carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com
>>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>>Sent from the Internet (Details)
>>Donovan concludes by asking: "Anyone want to talk about the probablity of
>>time travel? It beats the levy." Amen. I often find myself wishing I was
>>5 minutes younger. Carl Westberg
>>Subj:   [Vision2020] NYTimes.com: Time Travelers to Meet in Not Too 
>>Future Date:   5/6/2005 9:36:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time
>>From:   carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com
>>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>>Sent from the Internet (Details)
>>This page was sent to you by: carlwestberg846 at hotmail.com
>>Just for for a fun read on a Friday. Hoping I'm not violating any 
>>laws..... .Carl Westberg Jr.
>>NATIONAL | May 6, 2005
>>Time Travelers to Meet in Not Too Distant Future
>>Some students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have organized
>>what they call the first time traveler convention.
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