[Vision2020] Religious Diversity Education
Thu, 26 Jun 2003 22:25:40 -0700
Hello, Mr. Arnold,
You argued that man is always tripped up by communication, particularly
writing. Assuming your premise is true, why do you bother to write on
Vision2020 if people will almost never be able to comprehend your full
>I never claimed their were not rules.
>Two Rules:
>1) Love God above all other things and 2) Love you neighbor as yourself
>The foundation is understanding and love.
Where did you get those? Why should anyone follow the rules? Why shouldn't I
love myself more than anybody?
>I don't judge the morality of someone's actions , that is God's place. I
only judge >actions to weigh if I think God would want me to commit those
same actions.
So if you saw a man beating a woman, you wouldn't judge the morality of his
>Almost all legends and myths are based on such instances, from seals being
seen for >the first time and being mistaken for mermaids, to dragons of
Africa that are indeed >Komodo Dragons.
Actually, on an archeological note, there is evidence of a monster-dinosaur,
a swamp animal with a capacity for spewing spontaneously combustible fluid
from an organ on its head, similar to a bombadier beetle's spray. This may
be the basis for the dragon stories.
While on dinosaur stuff, there appears to possibly be some triceretops (sp?)
living in some South American rain forests. Locals have given many
eyewitness accounts of the appearance of something matching the description
of a triceretops, and they have identified it from among drawings of other
dinosaurs. A team of scientists headed down there recently; I haven't heard
about them.
However, to return to the topic:
You stated in the last paragraph of your post that "using deductive
reasoning, having all the incorrect answers leads you to the correct one."
Where do you get reason from? You denied absolute truth time and time again,
and yet you use it to argue. That seems rather inconsistent to me. If we can
all be right at the same time, then logic is irrelevant. If logic is
irrelevant, you shouldn't use it!
Take care,
Luke Nieuwsma