[Vision2020] 9-14-21 Climate Scientist James Hansen: "August Temperature Update & Gas Bag Season Approaches "

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Mon Oct 4 20:33:10 PDT 2021

***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2000 through life
plus 70 years, Ted Moffett.  Do not copy, forward, excerpt, or reproduce
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Looking at former NASA GISS climate scientist James Hansen's columbia.edu
website, I noticed under "Recent Communications" a September 14, 2021
option titled, as the subject heading reads:  "Gas Bag Season?"  Not a
reference to climate science!  As quoted below: "Gas bag politicians won’t
show you the data that matter because that would reveal their miserable
performances."  And this cynical assessment is aimed at the COP26 UN
Climate Change Conference Oct. 31 through Nov. 12, 2021, which some
"optimists" (fools?) hope will result in substantial rapid action to lower
greenhouse gas emissions.
This reminds me of some in local city government who appear to also avoid
the "data that matter" regarding the total greenhouse gas emissions
associated with all aspects of economic activity, both public and private,
in little Moscow, Idaho.

Mr. Hansen has a book coming out, some chapters of which are offered for
fact checking, at first website below, "Sophie's Planet."


Excerpt from website above:

*First the good news: NOAA’s newest prediction for the tropics has a deeper
La Nina (Fig. 1, Right), which should keep global temperature near the
1970-2015 trend line (Fig. 2) for at least several months. That’s not
entirely good news – the trend line is not a target to aim for, and a
continuing La Nina keeps the tropics ripe for tropical storms. At the next
El Nino, global temperature will be far above the trend line and may
approach +1.5°C relative to 1880-1920. *

*The bad news: we approach the gas bag season – the next Conference of the
Parties (COP26) is scheduled for November 1-12. Gas bag politicians won’t
show you the data that matter because that would reveal their miserable
performances. Instead, they set climate goals for their children while
adopting no polices that would give such goals a chance. Some of them may
have been honestly duped about the science and engineering, but many must
be blatant hypocrites. *
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