[Vision2020] Liberty, justice for all

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Fri Mar 12 06:24:18 PST 2021

Courtesy of today’s (March 12, 2021) Moscow-Pullman Daily News with special thanks to Joann Muneta.

Liberty, justice for all

Idaho Rep. Priscilla Giddings is advocating that the Idaho Legislature pass a resolution that would direct public colleges and universities to eliminate any courses, services or training programs that are infused with the social justice ideology. Further she wants to cut state funding for those who fail to do this. Amazingly Giddings asserts that social justice education does not serve the common good. Most people realize that social justice is all about finding ways to advance the common good and to promote the general welfare as per the U.S. and Idaho constitutions.
Maybe she should start by defunding elementary schools that often start each day with the Pledge of Allegiance ending with the words “with liberty and justice for all.” Yes, she asserts social justice efforts are beginning to infiltrate K-12 schools. Then on to history classes that may teach about years of marches and protests in favor of giving women the right to vote. There is certainly too much social justice there.
Students might get the wrong idea about trying to advance justice through peaceful means. And we need to check all the guest talks being planned at all universities to be sure they don’t discuss combating sexual harassment and bullying or try to educate against religious and racial discrimination.
Our local representative Troy, in testifying about this matter was quoted as suggesting that “we clarify the areas we’re concerned about.” Hopefully she is not advocating a policy of checking programs for content because some social justice is worthwhile, others dangerous. It’s time to speak up.
We need our elected legislators and all citizens to stand up for allowing the teaching of “liberty and justice for all” in this, our great State of Idaho.
Joann Muneta


Seeya 'round town, Moscow, because . . .

"Moscow Cares" (the most fun you can have with your pants on)

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

“I’m a Card-Carrying, Bleeding-Heart Liberal”

“A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met.”
- Roy E. Stolworthy
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