[Vision2020] The horror of social justice

Betsy Dickow betsyd at turbonet.com
Fri Apr 9 20:51:40 PDT 2021

Thank G-d it failed!

Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 9, 2021, at 7:14 PM, Ron Force <ronforce at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ve Vill Root Them Out!
> McGeachin planning school indoctrination task force
> Posted by Betsy Apr 9, 2021 Updated 9 hrs ago Comments
> F
> Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin said Thursday that she will assemble a task force to examine indoctrination in Idaho schools — including critical race theory, socialism, communism, and Marxism, writes Idaho Education News reporter Blake Jones. “We must find where these insidious theories and philosophies are lurking and excise them from our education system,” McGeachin said in a news release. “Idahoans are increasingly frustrated by the apparent lack of awareness and leadership coming from the state on these issues.”
> A conservative lawmaker hailed the task force announcement.
> “I appreciate the lieutenant governor taking the initiative to push back against the flawed concept that white people are inherently racist and that our young people should be made to feel guilty for actions they have never committed and biases they have never displayed,” said Rep. Priscilla Giddings, R-White Bird.
> The news comes a day after Giddings and Rep. Ron Nate, R-Rexburg, tried to insert $4,000 into McGeachin’s budget to form an indocrination task force. The motion failed in the budget-writing Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee, on a 2-17 vote. You can read Jones' full report online here at idahoednews.org.
> Betsy Z. Russell is the Boise bureau chief and state capitol reporter for the Idaho Press and Adams Publishing Group. Follow her on Twitter at @BetsyZRussell.
>   Ron Force
> Moscow Idaho USA  
> On Fri, Apr 9, 2021 at 6:54 PM Roger Hayes <rhayesmoscowid at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Roger Hayes <rhayesmoscowid at gmail.com>
>> 3:53 PM (1 minute ago)
>> Oh, the horror; Idaho universities and colleges are teaching social justice. So much so that the Idaho House nixed the entire 2022 higher Ed. budget for the time being. Caroline Troy was the only Republican who voted for the budget bill. Kudos to her, but then again she represents Moscow, and we all know what Moscow would be without the U of I . So it was no total act of bravery of her part.  According to news releases, Republicans have expressed student "horror stories" about what students have had to endure in these classes. Well, tell us about these "horror stories" and why the students were in them in the first place. What did they expect to learn from these classes? That there is no such thing as social injustice?
>> I doubt that engineering students, computer science students, or even English majors have to endure the horror of learning about social justice. The universities and colleges offer these classes because of demand for them, and because our young people want to be fully educated.  We are being led by the nose by the Idaho Freedom Foundation, ALEC and others in their never ending quest to throw up smoke screens to delude voters into thinking that we should all vote for scoundrels whose real agenda is the destruction of educated thought and compassion for our fellow citizens. 
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