[Vision2020] Herd immunity

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 23:02:17 PDT 2020

Fox News is the highest rated cable news channel, sometimes described as a
not even disguised political arm of the current White House administration.
No big surprise that Dr. Atlas, who has appeared on Fox News numerous
times, is now "advising" Trump or rather acting as a propaganda stooge for
the Trump re-election effort to influence public opinion away from the
facts regarding Trump's culpability in the magnitude of the US pandemic
Also, consider the CDC announcement to prepare for COVID-19 vaccine
distribution by Nov. 1?  Coincidence this is close to election date?   If
the history of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US is "forgotten" by a public
distracted by the latest media barrage from the RNC, a public fearful and
seeking protection, Trump can turn his failures into an opportunity to be a

Amazing, isn't it?  Yet, speaking of "forgetting," these tactics are not

Every student in the US should be required to read and memorize the
critical points in this seminal book by Edward Bernays published in 1928:

Some analysts think the DNC is not facing the full power of the propaganda
media blitz that will be coming from the RNC.  The DNC thus needs to wake
up to the information warfare public manipulation tactics that sadly will
likely determine the 2020 presidential contest.*  If the DNC refuses to
play the same deceptive game the RNC will play...well...they should not be
surprised if once again the popular vote contradicts the Electoral College.*
*Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett*

On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 1:56 PM Roger Hayes <rhayesmoscowid at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, we now have a new "expert" on Covid infections. Trump is elevating
> some Fox commentator, a radiologist who has no credential in immunology, or
> infectious diseases to spout some BS line about herd immunity. What this
> allows is for Trump to continue doing *nothing* about the pandemic, and
> it attempts to justify his total inaction and lack of leadership or
> compassion for the pain and suffering Americans are enduring.
> 180 thousand deaths and counting. But if it ensures Trump's re-election,
> millions should be sacrificed.
> Is there some place in hell for a being like this?
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