[Vision2020] Fwd: ADV: Increased Concentration of COVID-19 in City of Moscow Wastewater

Ron Force ronforce at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 18:39:33 PDT 2020

Violation of public health orders can result in a fine of up to $300 and/or
six months in jail.
Few want to face the mob to enforce it.

Ron Force
Moscow Idaho USA

On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 6:31 PM Ted Moffett <starbliss at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was in the Moscow main post office lobby at about 5 PM today, waiting to
> mail a package.  This post office has posted signs requiring masks, and of
> course the order for masks required in public in Moscow has been well
> advertised.  Three people were clustered together at the main counter being
> attended to by a postal clerk.  Forget about six feet social distancing
> being observed by these patrons, none of them had masks on!  No one said a
> word to them about this behavior, that I noticed.  When I was at the
> counter mailing my package, I asked the postal clerk if they enforced the
> mask order.  The postal clerk said they did...  I pointed out that the
> three customers prior to me were not wearing masks.  The postal clerk said
> they did not notice.
> In both Safeway and Winco since the mandatory mask order, in my brief
> visits I have observed people shopping without masks with no attempt that I
> saw to enforce the mask requirement.  The Moscow Food CO-OP and the Moscow
> Public Library however are enforcing the mask order, from what I have
> observed.
> I wonder if anyone has faced a citation or any legal outcome for violating
> the mask order, or if this mask order amounts to a statement of "good
> intentions" with no legal substance!
> --------------------------------------
> Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 4:17 PM Debi Robinson-Smith <debismith at moscow.com>
> wrote:
>> Help me remember....When was the Doug Wilson Revival Show? Maybe some
>> linkage? Don't want to make unfounded accusations about
>> irresponsibility.....Maybe we just opened too soon like some other places,
>> maybe some young people had non-social distancing/no masks gatherings? We
>> can do better, Moscow! Glad to see masks everywhere this week! Thanks to
>> the Mayor and City for protecting all of us. Thanks to the businesses who
>> responded so well and quickly! I am proud to live in a town that values its
>> citizens!
>> Debi R-S
>> On 7/13/2020 3:58 PM, Tom Hansen wrote:
>> I was tested about a month ago before my colonoscopy at Gritman.  I
>> received the results of the test (negative) 4-5 days later.  I was under
>> home quarantine during those 4-5 days.
>> Seeya 'round town, Moscow, because . . .
>> "Moscow Cares" (the most fun you can have with your pants on)
>> http://www.TomandRodna.com/MoscowCares <http://www.moscowcares.com/>
>> Tom Hansen
>> Moscow, Idaho
>> “A stranger is just a friend you haven't met.” - Roy E. Stolworthy
>> On Jul 13, 2020, at 3:43 PM, Ron Force <ronforce at gmail.com>
>> <ronforce at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry to have reposted the information. Missed seeing your post. I did
>> some further research on Biobot. The company started form a prof and
>> students at MIT.  They did an initial sample run in Boston and published
>> the results, which still await peer review:
>> "Biobot estimated that anywhere from 0.1% to 5% of the population could
>> be infected with COVID-19. That’s a wide range, in part because it’s
>> uncertain just how many virus particles an infected person excretes. But
>> even the low end of the range is several times higher than the state’s
>> officially reported caseload of 0.026% at the time of the study."
>> https://www.wgbh.org/news/local-news/2020/04/14/somerville-startup-biobot-analytics-scours-sewage-for-coronavirus
>> I have heard of younger individuals in Moscow who get ill, but don't
>> report to their doctor. And, how many infected individuals are asymptomatic
>> is still a question.
>> Ron Force
>> Moscow Idaho USA
>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 2:09 PM Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com> wrote:
>>> See below . . .
>>> Courtesy of the City of Moscow (the one in Idaho).
>>> Seeya 'round town, Moscow, because . . .
>>> "Moscow Cares" (the most fun you can have with your pants on)
>>> http://www.TomandRodna.com/MoscowCares <http://www.moscowcares.com/>
>>> Tom Hansen
>>> Moscow, Idaho
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> *From:* City of Moscow <listserv at civicplus.com>
>>> *Date:* July 13, 2020 at 1:34:02 PM PDT
>>> *To:* thansen at moscow.com
>>> *Subject:* *ADV: Increased Concentration of COVID-19 in City of Moscow
>>> Wastewater*
>>> [image: City of Moscow Logo]
>>> *PRESS RELEASE* Increased Concentration of COVID-19 in City of Moscow
>>> Wastewater
>>> *July 13, 2020 (Moscow, Idaho) -- *The City of Moscow applied for, and
>>> was accepted to participate in a subsidized program to test for the
>>> presence of COVID-19 in wastewater. Biobot Analytics, a company that
>>> previously studied opioids in wastewater, initiated a program to track
>>> COVID-19 in wastewater. Biobot developed a process to identify, replicate,
>>> and measure the concentration of the viral RNA (ribonucleic acid) within a
>>> given wastewater sample. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Biobot has analyzed
>>> COVID-19 prevalence in roughly 400 cities across America.
>>> Biobot states that its methods for detecting SARS-CoV-2 in sewage are
>>> adapted from CDC protocols and relies on detecting genetic fragments of the
>>> virus that are excreted in stool, which does not determine if the virus is
>>> dead or active. Biobot's methodology is available at
>>> www.biobot.io/covid19.
>>> During the month of May, Moscow provided weekly test samples. The first
>>> three tests resulted in no detectable COVID-19. On Jun. 16, the City
>>> received the results for the May 27 test. This sample showed a
>>> concentration which Biobot used to estimate 190 cases of COVID-19 in the
>>> community. The City ordered another test kit to verify the May 27 results,
>>> and notified the Public Health of the outcome of the test.
>>> On Jul. 9, the City received the results for the follow-up sample
>>> collected on Jul. 1. This sample showed a marked increase in
>>> concentrations, which Biobot used to estimate 1,400 cases in the community.
>>> Estimating cases based on concentration is an emerging science, and there
>>> are several variables that could impact accuracy, especially in a smaller
>>> system like Moscow's. These include: rain events, daily flow variations,
>>> cleaning of sewer lines, etc.
>>> "It is important to note that the Biobot data provides estimates, not
>>> actual cases. While we can't rely on the accuracy of the case estimation,
>>> the thing that is certain is that we are seeing significantly increased
>>> concentrations of COVID-19 in our wastewater," said Gary Riedner, Moscow
>>> City Supervisor. "We will continue to monitor levels in our wastewater, and
>>> continue to share the results with the healthcare professionals.  We are
>>> sharing information with the Idaho North Central District Health Department
>>> and appreciate their collaboration.  These results underscore the need for
>>> increased efforts in hygiene, such as washing your hands and not touching
>>> your eyes, nose, mouth and face, practicing social distancing of at least
>>> six feet apart from all but household members, and wearing face coverings
>>> to help prevent community spread of COVID-19."
>>> The area served by the Moscow Water Reclamation and Reuse Facility
>>> serves the area within Moscow City limits and the Southeast Moscow Sewer
>>> District located just outside of Moscow east city limit boundary. Testing
>>> will continue under collaboration  with the University of Idaho. The
>>> Biological Sciences and Civil & Environmental Engineering Departments at
>>> the U of I, utilizing funding from the IMCI (Institute for Modeling
>>> Collaboration and Interaction), are initiating a regional wastewater
>>> testing program with plans to start processing samples within two weeks.
>>> ###
>>> *Story Contact:* Gary J. Riedner, City Supervisor
>>> *Phone: *208-883-7006
>>> *Email: *griedner at ci.moscow.id.us
>>> *City of Moscow *
>>> 206 E Third Street
>>> Moscow, ID 83843
>>> Contact: Gary J. Riedner, City Supervisor
>>> Phone - 208.883.7006
>>> Email - griedner at ci.moscow.id.us
>>> Website - www.ci.moscow.id.us
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>>> City of Moscow
>>> 206 East 3rd St - Moscow, ID 83843
>>> If you no longer wish to receive emails from us, you may Unsubscribe
>>> <http://www.ci.moscow.id.us/list.aspx>.
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>>  List services made available by First Step Internet,
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>>  List services made available by First Step Internet,
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>>           mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com
>> =======================================================
> =======================================================
>  List services made available by First Step Internet,
>  serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.
>                http://www.fsr.net
>           mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com
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