[Vision2020] Climate Reality Project: Climate Change and Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 17:50:44 PDT 2017

Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett
Our hearts and thoughts are with the victims of Harvey and Irma. Here’s
what you can do.

[image: Become a Climate Reality Leader in Pittsburgh October 17-19.]

Dear -,

Our hearts are heavy and our thoughts are with everyone affected by
Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. It’s nearly impossible to grasp the weight of
these natural disasters, which will be felt for years to come.

Just days after one of the most destructive storms in our nation’s history
dropped more than 50 inches of rain on parts of Texas, another historic
storm, Hurricane Irma, has already devastated portions of the Leeward and
Virgin Islands and is expected to make landfall in the southeastern US this
weekend. Hurricane Irma is the strongest hurricane on record in the
Atlantic basin, outside of the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico.

This is why the climate crisis is ultimately a human issue – because our
health, our livelihoods, and our homes are directly impacted by the changes
happening in our environment.

*So, what do Hurricanes Harvey
Irma have to do with climate change?*

The climate crisis intensifies the impact of hurricanes. Here’s how:

*1.* *By adding fuel to the fire, climate change makes hurricanes more
devastating*. As sea surface temperatures become warmer because of climate
change, hurricanes can become more powerful and cause more damage and loss
of life.

*2.  Climate change is linked to extreme rainfall (and therefore,
flooding).* As the world becomes warmer, more water evaporates from oceans
(and other water bodies) into the air. Hurricanes tap into this
moisture-enriched atmosphere and are capable of producing heavier
precipitation, and this can result in more flooding when the hurricane
approaches land.

*3.  Sea-level rise caused by climate change can greatly increase the storm
surge from hurricanes.* With higher sea levels, storm surges are able to
move further inland and can lead to more widespread and greater damage than
they otherwise might.

*Click here to see a list of organizations helping the victims of Hurricane

Devastating storms like Harvey and Irma remind us how critical it is to
solve the climate crisis and do our part to help mitigate increasing future
disasters. If you’d like to learn more about how the climate crisis affects
hurricanes and what you can do to take action, visit our recent blog
post, “Hurricane
Harvey and Climate Change: Here Are the Facts.”

*- Your friends at Climate Reality*
© 2017 The Climate Reality Project
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