[Vision2020] March for the Truth (June 3, 2017)

Moscow Cares moscowcares at moscow.com
Wed May 24 15:47:40 PDT 2017

Americans deserve the truth! We can handle it!

That is why...
. . . We March for Transparency.
. . . We March for Democracy.
. . . We March for the TRUTH!

Spurred on by the current issues in Washington DC with cover ups, lies, and fake news dominating the media sphere, the people of the Palouse unite with the national movement on June 3rd.

How to get involved:

Wear black clothes/black arm bands to join the mourning of facts, evidence based reasoning, and the checks and balances of our government.

Gather that the corner of 6th & Main at 10:30am.

We will SILENTLY march from the 6th & Main end of the Moscow's Farmer's Market to the Speakers Wall area (near where the music is normally).

Tombstones and signs can be displayed at the SPEAKERS WALL ONLY - rules say we cannot "solicit" at the market. The procession through the market will be for ONLY people wearing black. 

Again, I repeat: 
No signs can be brought/displayed on the walk through the market.

We want to be respectful and remember to not impede the vendors/shoppers at the market.

This is NOT just for the current administration- it can be for all politicians and policy makers.

Join us!


Seeya 'round town, Moscow, because . . .

"Moscow Cares" (the most fun you can have with your pants on)
Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

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