[Vision2020] NSIDC Graph & Guardian 11-22-16 'Extraordinarily hot' Arctic temperatures alarm scientists

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 16:47:13 PST 2016

The National Snow & Ice Data Center graph pasted in below of Arctic sea ice
extent reveals what the Guardian article 11-22-16 discusses lower down.
For this time of year, the ice is at a record low.  Also, the first website
below shows Arctic sea ice decline from 1979-2016:
Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett



Tue. 11-22-16

Extraordinarily hot' Arctic temperatures alarm scientists

Danish and US researchers say warmer air and sea surface could lead to
record lows of sea ice at north pole next year

The Arctic <https://www.theguardian.com/world/arctic> is experiencing
extraordinarily hot sea surface and air temperatures, which are stopping
ice forming and could lead to record lows of sea ice at the north pole next
year, according to scientists.

Danish and US researchers monitoring satellites and Arctic weather stations
are surprised and alarmed by air temperatures peaking at what they say is
an unheard-of 20C higher than normal for the time of year. In addition, sea
temperatures averaging nearly 4C higher than usual in October and November.

“It’s been about 20C warmer than normal over most of the Arctic Ocean,
along with cold anomalies of about the same magnitude over north-central
Asia. This is unprecedented for November,” said research professor Jennifer
Francis of Rutgers university.

Temperatures have been only a few degrees above freezing when -25C should
be expected, according to Francis. “These temperatures are literally off
the charts for where they should be at this time of year. It is pretty
shocking. The Arctic has been breaking records all year. It is exciting but
also scary,” she said.
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