[Vision2020] URA Shananigans

Rosemary Huskey donaldrose at cpcinternet.com
Sat Feb 28 16:47:32 PST 2015

I sent the following letter to the Daily News, the Arg, and the LMT.  They
may or may not print it but it is my very strong feeling that it is long
past time to identify the egregious, self-absorbed jackassery in this
community.  From self-educated midwives, to pretentious, self-absorbed
committee members the positions they enjoy spill havoc over Moscow and the
surrounding area.  I have just plain had it and I hope that at least some of
you share my feelings.  There must be more to this story than meets the eye
and it is to be hoped that someone far more clever than I with a perceptive
understanding of governmental entities can help me (and others) to
understand how these kinds of decisions are made and why community and area
residents were not part of the process when our money is paying for it.

Rose Huskey 



Elitist URA


After attending the very disappointing Moscow Urban Renewal meeting last
Thursday, it became clear to me that beneath the fluff of the winning
Sangria Restaurant project  lurks an ugly truth about Moscow.  Board members
Drown, McGeehan, Bettge and Sullivan are oblivious to the diverse
demographics of the communities they pretend to represent. They are the
appointed face of elitism and privilege who turn a blind eye to poverty,
publicly apparent mental health issues, and culturally marginalized folks.
"Their" Moscow mirrors their own comfy lifestyle, not the struggles which
frame the daily lives of so many residents.  Their vote recognizes Moscow
citizens who look like the people illustrated in the Sangria proposal;
white, privileged, and enjoying the good life.  Board Members Weber and
McGraw represented the fiscally responsible and compassionate citizens. They
were outvoted.


Gritman's community focused proposal included full disclosure. Gritman
intended to pay full market price for the land and construction.  They did
not ask for a penny from the taxpayers.  Property tax revenue from the
Gritman proposal would be $70,000 a year with a completed building in 18
months.  The employees would receive an average salary of $25/hr.  Gritman's
proposal would strengthen the community by promoting equality and access to
low cost or free dental, medical, pharmaceutical, and mental health care. 


In contrast, the Sangria proposal was based on the fulfillment of the
owner's dreams courtesy of the taxpayers.  They provided no documents
addressing construction cost or wages. Construction will take at least five
years. However, the owners did stress the attractive design features and
claimed their establishment would be a magnet for entertainment and downtown
living (at taxpayer subsidy).  There will be no parking for restaurant


I can't think of a worse or more insulting way to spend taxpayer's money.


Rosemary Huskey




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