[Vision2020] Married couple of 67 years die hand-in-hand

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Fri Feb 27 19:28:19 PST 2015

Courtesy of today's (February 27, 2015) Spokesman-Review.

Married couple of 67 years die hand-in-hand
FRESNO, Calif. – After spending 67 years together as devoted husband and wife, there was no question how Floyd and Violet Hartwig would end their lives – together. 

Sensing the couple was close to death, their children pushed their two hospice beds together and gently placed their father’s hand in the mother’s palm. 

Floyd, 90, died first. Violet, 89, followed five hours later. They died Feb. 11 at home, just as they had wished, the family said. 

“They wanted to go together,” their daughter, Donna Scharton, said Thursday. “It was meant to be that way.”

The two knew each other as children, growing up in the Central California farming community of Easton. Romance sparked at a local dance hall one night when Floyd, a decorated Navy sailor, was home on shore leave. They were married Aug. 16, 1947, and while away Floyd showered Violet with affection through love letters the family cherishes. 

Around the holidays, the family noticed that Violet’s dementia had worsened, and in late January a doctor said Floyd’s failing kidneys gave him two weeks to live. 

Cynthia Letson said that after her grandfather passed, they told her grandmother that she could go, too – that Floyd was waiting for her.


Floyd and Violet Hartwig pose together in Easton, Calif., in March.



Rest well, Mr. and Mrs. Hartwig. 

Seeya 'round town, Moscow, because . . .

"Moscow Cares"
Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
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