[Vision2020] Department of Defense's "Zombie Plan" (ComPlan 8888)
Paul Rumelhart
godshatter at yahoo.com
Wed May 14 11:45:43 PDT 2014
All I learned from reading the document is that if I were to unleash zombie mayhem upon the world I would do so with evil magic zombies (EMZ's in DoD parlance). They appear to be the hardest to stop, the chaplain corps notwithstanding.
From: Dan Carscallen <areaman at moscow.com>
To: 'Moscow Vision 2020' <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Department of Defense's "Zombie Plan" (ComPlan 8888)
Having taken part in an exercise along similar lines (that had conspiracy theorists foaming at the mouth) I urge everyone to read the “Disclaimer” section of the plan, which is right at the beginning:
(U)CONPLAN8888DISCLAIMER:Thisplanwasnotactuallydesigned asajoke.Duringthesummersof2009and2010,whiletrainingaugmenteesfromalocaltrainingsquadronabouttheJOPP,membersofaUSSTRATCOMcomponentfoundout(byaccident)thatthehyperboleinvolvedinwritinga"zombiesurvivalplan actuallyprovidedaveryusefulandeffective
trainingtool.PlannerswhoattendedJPMEIIattheJointCombinedWarfightingSchoolalso realizedthattrainingexamplesforplansmustaccommodatethepoliticalfalloutthatoccursifthe generalpublicmistakenlybelievesthatafictionaltrainingscenarioisactuallyarealplan.Rather thanrisksuchanoutcomebyteachingouraugmenteesusingthefictional"Tunisia"or"Nigeria" scenariosusedat JCWS,weelectedtouseacompletely-impossiblescenariothatcouldneverbe mistakenasarealplan.
Becausetheplanwasso ridiculous,ourstudentsnotonlyenjoyedthelessons;theyactuallywere abletoexplorethebasicconceptsofplanandorderdevelopment(fact,assumptions,specifiedandimpliedtasks,referencesetc)veryeffectively.
We tried to use the same disclaimer, but some folks still got a little freaked out by the fact that we were having a “zombie UFO crash”.
It went well, though, and we are better trained for it.
From:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com] On Behalf Of Tom Hansen
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 10:50 AM
To: Moscow Vision 2020
Subject: [Vision2020] Department of Defense's "Zombie Plan" (ComPlan 8888)
This document is for real, created and distributed by the U.S. Department of Defense in April 2011.
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