[Vision2020] one more try
sunilramalingam at hotmail.com
Thu May 1 21:05:11 PDT 2014
Are Sterling's opinions wrong in addition to being unpopular?
I'm amazed that you, the guy who declared he had 'little pity' for the guy who was tazered by the Florida cops at a Kerry speech, a classic First Amendment violation, rend your clothes and weep for Sterling. Boy, you know how to pick 'em.
> Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 05:41:10 +0200
> To: vision2020 at moscow.com; godshatter at yahoo.com
> From: lfalen at turbonet.com
> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] one more try
> I do not think much of Mr. Sterling, however I have to agree with Paul that the reaction against him has been over the top.
> Roger
> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: [Vision2020] one more try
> From: "Paul Rumelhart" <godshatter at yahoo.com>
> To: "Moscow Vision 2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
> Date: 2014/05/01 23:12:12
> If past history is any indication, people here are going to think I'm defending Donald Sterling and rich white fatcats in general (because, hey, rich white fatcats have been *so* good to me over the years). But, here goes one more try.
> OK, first, I've looked into the allegations that he knew he was being recorded, and that appears to be plausible. He had asked his girlfriend to record their conversations because he had a hard time remembering things sometimes and wanted to be able to replay the tape afterwards, at least according to this webpage: https://www.tmz.com/2014/04/28/donald-sterling-v-stiviano-settlement-conversation-book-deal-life-clippers-audio-recordings/. Supposedly there are more than 100 hours of recorded conversations that his girlfriend recorded, and I'm sure we'll hear every juicy snippet somewhere along the line (especially if there is a book deal involved). There is a difference, though, between asking someone to record you so you can play it back if need be, and authorizing that person to distribute that recording to the world via Youtube.
> So, here's my problem. It's politically OK to pilloryze this guy, based on his expressing his opinion to his girlfriend in what was still a private conversation. It's OK to fine him millions, eject him from all games (even the ones involving the team he owns), and even that's not enough. He owns an NBA team, his opinion is not popular, so obviously people should find a way to divest him of that, right? I'm surprised they aren't trying to make him clean the urinals in Grand Central Station every day.
> So, for those of you still horrified that someone might be a bit racist in today's enlightened world, imagine if your favorite boogeyman was elected President. Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, me, whoever it is. Now imagine it's your grand unassailable values that are the opinions that are next to be pilloried. How much credibility are you going to have when you state that your beliefs are your own and that saying them in private shouldn't mean a fine or being banned from public establishments?
> Not to mention that this whole thing smacks of a witch hunt. And those always turn out so well.
> Paul
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