[Vision2020] The largest company by revenue in every state

Steven Basoa sbasoa at moscow.com
Mon Jun 23 20:46:11 PDT 2014

Ken, the reason Idaho is so close to the bottom is simple.  It is all the fault of the liberal anti-business Moscow city council of the late 1990's-early 2000's.  Why, Idaho is still reeling from all the damage they did…

On Jun 23, 2014, at 7:42 PM, Kenneth Marcy <kmmos1 at frontier.com> wrote:

Here is some interesting information via the Washington Post: a list of the biggest company in each state of the union.

Here is a link to an United States map showing the corporate symbol of the largest company by revenue in every state.

Below the map is a list sorted by state name with the revenue of the largest company in that state.

Since Idaho is touted to be such a business-friendly state, why is it fourteenth from the bottom in the list sorted by revenues?



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