[Vision2020] Please Select County.

Kenneth Marcy kmmos1 at frontier.com
Mon Dec 15 15:19:02 PST 2014

Please Select County.

That is the message, a command, no less, under a computer screen 
text-box drop-down item that is supposed to give the user a choice among 
various items from a list already programmed into the application.

OK, let's think about this.  A county name.  The number of these in any 
American state is known and has been fixed for quite some time now.  
Even in Idaho.  In Idaho the number of counties is 44, and the correct 
answer to be chosen from this drop-down is Latah. Except the application 
is frozen, and the drop-down won't open to allow a choice.  Oops.

Yes, it's a little frustrating.  Actually, it's more than a little 
frustrating because prior to arriving at this particular non-responsive 
drop-down box, the user had already entered a street address, a city, a 
zip code, and, believe it or not, a state, in an application form that 
only works for one state. After all that information was entered, 
clicking on a Continue button caused a pop-up item to whirl around on 
the screen with a note reading "Address Verification" after which the 
user was prompted to Please Select County.  Let's review that.  After 
the address was verified, the user is commanded to Please Select 
County.  In which state, do you suppose, such computer code might be 
approved for use?

Clicking the icon labeled Save results in a pop-up dialog box with the 
message Please try again.

And isn't it reassuring that Google Analytics is collecting all of this 

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