[Vision2020] Barricades and apologies

Carl Westberg idahovandal1 at live.com
Sat Sep 28 11:13:01 PDT 2013

Scott's earlier post below.  Scott, I think you have, by issuing an an apology for something you did not do, you  have thereby earned a complaint or insult credit.  A pre-apology as it were.  If someone has the audacity (as has been the case for years preceding the Homecoming parade) to temporarily place street barricades on your lawn readying for the once a year event, you have an unused credit available to fire away at any and all city officials.  I, myself, have found barricades on or near my lawn while preparations are made to block my street during the once a year Ice Cream Social at the 1912 Center, and I've decided to be mad as hell and not take it anymore.  Well, unless I decide it's perfectly alright.  Which will probably be the case.
<I just finished talking with a rep of the Streets Department.  They 
responded to Mr. Dredge's complaint and corrected the situation within 
an hour of its filing.>

Ummm...I didn't have complaint.  Do you mean Wayne's complaint?

<I think Mr. Dredge owes Mayor Chaney and the Streets Department an apology.>

OK - well since you're since you're convinced in your own mind that your opinion is always the correct even when you're unable to justify it based on either fact or logic, I guess you've painted me into a corner once again.  It's getting damn frustrating that you continue playing me like an air guitar and IMO you ought to be flagged for a foul on the viz for 'excessive celebration'.

I'll do what Tom never does.  Here it goes without further ado:

My apologies to Mayor Chaney and the Streets Department.


--Scott Dredge
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