[Vision2020] Fw:[Spam 9.35] Are You a Big Believer in Taking Nutritional Supplements?
lfalen at turbonet.com
Sat Jul 6 12:19:38 PDT 2013
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Subject: [Spam 9.35] Are You a Big Believer in Taking Nutritional Supplements?
From: "Berkeley Wellness Alerts"
To: lfalen at turbonet.com
Date: 07/03/13 12:23:00
* Special Offer From Berkeley Wellness Alerts *
Are You a Big Believer
in Taking Nutritional Supplements?Introducing a new authoritative report on Dietary Supplements
from the editors of the University of California, Berkeley Wellness Letter ...
The 2013 Wellness Report: Dietary Supplements
Or are you skeptical ... but considering trying dietary supplements to improve some aspect of your health?
Either way, you're not alone:
Half of Americans use dietary supplements on a regular basis to improve their health.
These men and women spend about $28 billion a year -- on herbs, vitamins, minerals, hormones, and other pills -- bought without a doctor's prescription.
According to the FDA, there are more than 29,000 different nutritional supplements on the market today.
But before you invest your money -- and your health -- in dietary supplements, I urge you to listen to this timely warning from the Federal Trade Commission ...
"Unfounded and exaggerated claims for dietary supplements have proliferated," according to Howard Beales, former Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection.
Beales notes that the FTC has challenged deceptive advertising for health care products with more than $1 billion in sales -- mostly for dietary supplements.
Biggest myths about "safe" natural medicines
The nutritional supplement marketers and the pharmaceutical industry seem to be at war.
At stake: billions of dollars in revenue from the sales of pills -- medicines we take to protect and improve our health.
Advertising from the dietary supplement industry often makes out the pharmaceutical industry to be an "evil empire" -- raking in billions by poisoning consumers with expensive, dangerous chemicals they shouldn't be taking.
But some of the myths and half-truths all this expensive advertising has implanted in the public awareness can be downright dangerous to YOUR health ...
MYTH #1: Dietary supplements are far safer than prescription drugs because they are "natural."
THE REALITY: The fact that a supplement is derived from an herb or other plant, and is therefore "natural," doesn't necessarily make it safe.
If everything that was made from plants was safe, we wouldn't be told to avoid eating certain berries or mushrooms while hiking in the woods. And would you consume arsenic or hemlock?
MYTH #2: Dietary supplements are rigorously tested, and their effectiveness backed by all sorts of studies and scientific proof.
THE REALITY: To gain FDA approval, any new prescription drug has to pass a series of strict clinical trials. But dietary supplements are sold without FDA approval.
Worse, they either undergo no testing at all -- or the "testing" to which they have been submitted typically does not meet the standards required by the scientific community.
Example: Supplement advertisements frequently boast that a particular herb has been used for a thousand years in Asia. In reality, some Chinese herbs can cause liver damage and other dangerous side effects.
MYTH #3: Supplement makers are knights on white horses riding to our rescue, while the pharmaceutical industry is "evil."
THE REALITY: Both the pharmaceutical and the dietary supplement industries spend millions of dollars trying to get us to buy their products.
So the question comes down to: who -- and what products -- do you trust?
Available now:The 2013 Wellness Report: Dietary Supplements
With thousands of different dietary supplements to choose from -- from alpha-lipoic acid to zinc -- no one person can keep up with all the new developments in nutritional therapies.
And unless you're an M.D. yourself, do you really have the background to separate the good science from the hype?
That's where the University of California, Berkeley Wellness Reports can help save you time and money while improving your health.
Our editorial advisors, all M.D.s or Ph.D.s with impressive credentials in their specialties, conduct an exhaustive search of the medical literature on a particular topic -- in this case, dietary supplements.
They then carefully review the research to ensure that it's based on scientifically sound methods ... and to confirm the accuracy and reliability of the findings.
Next, our editors painstakingly convert medical jargon, formulas, and statistics into clear, plain English.
You'll find it fascinating reading -- and useful. Our experts tell you exactly what you need to know about the particular dietary supplement you're thinking of taking ... plus, how to apply key research findings to improving and maintaining your own health.
Here's just a sampling of what you'll discover in the UC Berkeley Wellness Report: Dietary Supplements:
- If you have high cholesterol, this B vitamin is the most scientifically proven dietary supplement for helping prevent heart attacks. Your doctor may advise you to take it daily, but not all forms are effective -- or safe. Page 13.
- Magnesium can lower your blood pressure, prevent heart disease, and strengthen your bones. But only a few groups of people should take magnesium supplements. Should you? Page 16.
- A widely reported new study suggested that calcium supplements can cause heart attacks. Before you toss these pills, here's the scoop. Page 41.
- Have trouble sleeping? Melatonin -- a hormone produced in the brain -- can promote sleep, prevent insomnia, overcome jet lag, and even reduce cancer risk. Or can it? Page 50.
- Can zinc really prevent or treat colds? A major study has provided the best evidence yet -- but you have to take the right kind of zinc. Page 18.
- If you suffer from migraines, there's an herbal treatment that really works. It's butterbur, and you may never have even heard of it. We recommend one purified product. Page 31.
- The truth about a supplement that is promoted to people who take statin drugs: coenzyme Q10. And what about claims that it helps treat Parkinson's disease and heart failure? Page 20.
- An in-depth guide to weight-loss supplements -- from bitter orange, caffeine, and green tea extract to chitosan, CLA, and hoodia. Plus, a look at two other widely promoted diet fads -- Sensa and HCG diet products. Page 25.
- Ginseng has been used medicinally for thousands of years. Here's why it may be time to stop. Page 22.
- Why most selenium marketers now hesitate to claim that the supplement reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Page 6 and page 24.
- What's behind all those ads for resveratrol -- it is really the secret weapon against aging? Page 52.
- This B vitamin is a nutritional chameleon -- sometimes protective, sometimes dangerous, especially in regards to cancer. Page 46.
- Who needs iron supplements, who should think twice before taking them, and who should definitely avoid them. Page 49.
- Garlic may lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure. So why do researchers say you shouldn't bother with garlic pills? Page 12.
- If you're a cancer survivor or are being treated for cancer, are you taking supplements that may worsen your prognosis? Page 7.
- Is krill oil really better than regular fish oil (omega-3) capsules -- enough to merit its premium price? Page 35.
- How vitamin C can suppress some of the beneficial effects of exercise. Page 58.
- Many people have low blood levels of vitamin D, according to recent studies. But a long-awaited report from the Institute of Medicine concluded that few people need supplements. Here's our advice. Page 32.
- The five groups who should take fish oil supplements, and how to choose the best product. And what about those warnings concerning contaminants? Page 34.
- This supplement is prescribed in Europe to treat leg ulcers and varicose veins. It may also lower blood sugar levels, LDL ("bad") cholesterol, and elevated blood pressure. Should you try it for any of these problems? Page 50.
- When you're shopping for multivitamins, it is absolutely important to check the label for one vitamin in particular -- since getting too much of it could actually weaken your bones. Page 37.
- Why you should think twice about taking most antioxidant supplements. Page 11.
- Which is better for hot flashes and menopausal night sweats -- black cohosh or isoflavone supplements? The answer may surprise you. Page 30.
- Discover what a definitive clinical trial found out about whether these two "natural arthritis cures" -- glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate -- can really increase your mobility and relieve joint pain. Page 48.
- Taking St. John's Wort instead of a prescription drug to combat your depression? Who should consider it -- and who should not. Page 53.
- This "natural" statin, made by fermenting red yeast on rice, can actually lower your cholesterol levels. But you don't always know what's in the bottle. Page 16.
- Echinacea is frequently marketed as an immunity-booster than can prevent -- or even cure -- colds. Should you keep a bottle handy in your medicine chest? Page 43.
- This trace mineral is often recommended to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, and it may have other benefits. But the difference between a safe dose and a toxic one is very small. Page 23.
- Unlike most supplements, this "natural" remedy for relieving cold symptoms is patented and standardized -- you know what's in it and how much. Page 23.
- Six groups of people are most likely to benefit from taking multivitamins. Are you in one of them? Page 37.
- Can this vitamin prevent canker sores? The research is promising. Page 57.
- Is creatine a safe alternative to steroids for building muscle and increasing athletic performance? Turn to page 42 and see what it can, and cannot do.
- Ads for Airborne suggest that the tablet can boost your immune system and thus prevent or cure the common cold. Should you take Airborne the next time you get the sniffles? Page 38.
- Many supplement formulas contain zinc, but do you know that high doses can depress the immune system and interfere with absorption of copper? Page 19.
- Saw palmetto is often used to relieve urinary problems caused by an enlarged prostate. But new research on it has raised questions about its effectiveness. Page 54.
- Evening primrose and borage oils are well-known folk remedies and they're cheap, so you may think, why not try them? Here are compelling reasons why you should think twice. Page 43.
- This popular supplement, promoted to boost immunity and prevent heart disease, can not only turn your skin yellow -- more importantly, it could increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers and perhaps other people. Page 40.
- One out of every hundred Americans develops a potentially serious deficiency of one of this B vitamin. How to tell if you're one ... and what to do if you are. Page 57.
- Ginkgo biloba has been promoted to improve memory, sharpen mental function, and stave off dementia. Has modern science confirmed or debunked these claims? Page 23.
- Even though studies of feverfew as a migraine preventive have mixed results, you may want to try it next time you have a migraine, anyway. Turn to page 45 to find out why.
- This element is used to strengthen steel alloys. Can it also help you lose weight and treat diabetes, as supplement marketers claims? Page 41.
- The ads say this vision formula can actually help prevent blindness in certain patients. And amazingly, it's true! We name the supplement brand on page 44.
- Supplement manufacturers are now supposed to follow expanded "Good Manufacturing Practices." Does this really make supplements more reliable? Page 7.
- Can probiotic supplements really improve digestion and immunity, help in weight loss, and protect against gum disease and colon cancer? We weigh the evidence for you.
- Bovine colostrum is good for calves, but some people now take it to treat everything from arthritis and autoimmune diseases to ulcers, colitis, and various infections. Are they onto something?
- Black cohosh is one of the best-selling herbs for menopausal symptoms. So why have British authorities warned that it can cause liver damage?
And so much more ...
Of all the decisions you make pertaining to your health, selecting dietary supplements puts you on less secure ground than anything else:
Advertising for "alternative medicine" is often filled with hyperbole.
You can buy and take any supplement without a doctor's prescription or even recommendation.
The clinical proof of the efficacy of supplements is often sketchy, and sometimes virtually nonexistent.
Now, the UC Berkeley Wellness Report: Dietary Supplements can help you make better-informed choices when deciding whether to take supplements -- and which to buy.
Plus, order now, and you'll receive aFREE Bonus GIFT:Vitamins in the News: C, D, and AWhich Should You Take? Which Should You Avoid?
- C Is for Controversy. Many people endow vitamin C with almost magical powers. Claims and controversy about vitamin C are never ending, and no vitamin has been the subject of more research. Here are the latest findings.
- Vitamin D: Are You Getting Enough? You can't have missed the news about this vitamin and its potential to reduce the risk of everything from cancer and multiple sclerosis to diabetes, hypertension, and age-related muscle weakness. This one seems to be for real, or is it just a bandwagon effect? How much do you really need? Should you have your blood level tested?
- Vitamin A and Your Bones. The news traveled fast a few years ago: A high intake of vitamin A from food and supplements (not much more than the 5,000 IU found in most multivitamins) increases the risk of hip fractures in women. Here's what you need to know about this vitamin -- and why you shouldn't worry about beta carotene, even though it is converted into vitamin A in the body.
Are the supplements you choose doing you more harm than good? Are they a necessity for maintaining health or even curing your illness?
Why aren't traditional medical doctors more enthusiastic about nutritional supplements? Can taking vitamins, minerals, and herbs really work? Or are they a colossal fraud -- a waste of time and money?
You'll find the answers in our UC Berkeley Wellness Report: Dietary Supplements ... which you may preview risk-free in the privacy of your own home.
Preview this money-saving, health-building report
risk-free in the privacy of your home
When you receive your report, you'll be able to read your Wellness Report: Dietary Supplements, examine it carefully.
Read through the studies. Examine the facts, figures, numbers, and test results on the dietary supplements you take.
I'm betting our new report will be one of your most valuable -- and important -- health resources.
If you are not 100% satisfied with your new Dietary Supplements report for any reason ... simply return the report within 30 days for a full refund.
But don't delay. The longer you put off doing your "due diligence" on your dietary supplements, the longer you could be throwing your money -- and your good health -- down the drain.
Plus, the Wellness Report: Dietary Supplements costs just $19.95 plus shipping.
Annual Renewal Service
To keep you up to date and on the cutting edge of health and medical issues, we offer an annual renewal service to our readers.
That way your Wellness Report: Dietary Supplements is always current, never out of date. The Dietary Supplements update will be offered to you by announcement. You need do nothing if you want the update to be sent automatically. If you do not want it, all you will need to do is return the announcement. The update is completely optional, and will never be sent without prior announcement. You may cancel at any time.
So what are you waiting for? To order your risk-FREE copy of the UC Berkeley Wellness Report: Dietary Supplements ... just click below now.
Even if you do nothing but follow the advice in "Vitamins in the News: C, D, and A" -- your free gift -- you will be well on your way to protecting your health. Just click below to order your FREE GIFT and your Wellness Report: Dietary Supplements.
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