[Vision2020] Philosophy talk tonight at WSU

Joe Campbell philosopher.joe at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 10:13:30 PST 2013

Tonight is the 51st annual Potter Lecture at WSU. This year's Potter
Lecturer is Allen Buchanan, James B. Duke Professor of Philosophy of Law at
Duke University. The title of the talk is: "Why Evolutionary Explanations
of Morality Fail." The presentation is at 7pm in CUB Auditorium 177. For
more information about Allen Buchanan, check out his website:


Allen Buchanan is James B. Duke Professor of Philosophy and Professor of
Law at Duke University. He is also a distinguished research associate at
the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford
and a research professor at the Center for the Philosophy of Freedom at the
University of Arizona in Tucson, where he spends the spring semester. His
research and teaching are mainly in bioethics, with special emphasis on the
application of genome science-based technologies to humans, political
philosophy, and the philosophy of international law. His most recent books
are Beyond Humanity: The Ethics of Biomedical Enhancement and Better Than
Human: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Ourselves. He is currently
spending six weeks as a research fellow at the Forschungs Kolleg in Bad
Homburg, an affiliate of Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.
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