[Vision2020] Latah GOP votes no confidence in Steed

Art Deco art.deco.studios at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 04:09:12 PST 2013

Cannibalism amongst the Idaho GOP is always entertaining and a microcosm of
their ability to govern in modern times.


On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 5:38 AM, Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com> wrote:

> Two-time loser (and community hat rack) Gresham "Boom Boom" Bouma led a
> successful no-confidence campaign against Walter "What's in it for me"
> Steed.
> Isn't America GREAT ! ! !
> Courtesy of today's (February 27, 2013) Moscow-Pullman Daily News.
> -------------------------------------
> Latah GOP votes no confidence in Steed
> Latah County Republican precinct committeemen led by Gresham Bouma asked
> Walter Steed to resign as the party's county chairman Tuesday because of a
> letter to the legislature that he signed as president of the Moscow City
> Council.
> The vote was 12-10.
> The prevailing side indicated there is a perception that in signing the
> letter Steed had acted against the party's position on guns and the Second
> Amendment.
> Those calling for Steed to step down were angered he - in his nonpartisan
> position - had voted for and signed a City Council letter to Idaho Senate
> Majority Leader Bart Davis, who serves on the Judiciary and Rules Committee.
> The letter, based on a memorandum from Police Chief David Duke,
> recommended ways of curbing gun violence should the Legislature take up the
> issue this session following the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn.
> Steed, who was attending a city commission and board orientation meeting
> Tuesday night, said in a phone interview that he heard the news from his
> wife, but has not had time to react.
> "It's too close to it to make a decision as to what I might or might not
> do," he said. "They had copies of the letter, I believe. I presume they can
> read English. It was a gun violence letter, not a gun control letter. As I
> stated in City Council, it would have no weight or bearing when it got to
> the state Legislature or Boise."
> During debate at the meeting, GOP Vice Chairman Thomas Lawford told the
> audience the letter sent to the Legislature is a position, not legislation,
> and one that neither he nor Steed thought would garner attention.
> "It was sent and died," he said. "It wasn't until we brought it up that it
> got any life."
> Lawford reminded GOP members there are 13 months left until a
> reorganizational meeting where someone could be elected to replace Steed.
> He said Steed's actions on the City Council were not sufficient to allow
> the party to remove him from his position under its bylaws.
> Bouma, a two-time state Senate candidate, made the motion Tuesday night
> and said he felt Steed has served the Latah GOP well in the past. But, he
> said, by approving a letter that calls for background checks to control
> ammunition sales and limiting access to high-capacity gun magazines, the
> chairman went against the party platform and encouraged more infringements
> on gun rights.
> "The last check and balance we have is the right to bear arms," Bouma
> said, adding he doesn't want Steed to leave the party entirely. "We really
> can't have leadership that attacks that right in such a public way that
> occurred with this letter."
> Precinctman Amos Rothstein, who is also a member of the University of
> Idaho chapter of the College Republicans, lauded Steed for his efforts to
> reach out to more college-age GOP members and his overall leadership, which
> he attributed to attracting the state's Republican convention to Moscow for
> 2014.
> "If you know Walter, you know he was put in a really rough position with
> that letter," he said. "He's not suggesting Big Brother come to their homes
> and take their guns and Obama's going to come in with his Storm Troopers."
> Roger Falen said he knows Steed supports the Second Amendment, and felt
> Steed and councilors Dan Carscallen and Wayne Krauss were "hornswoggled by
> the mayor," Nancy Chaney. City administration had requested Duke and his
> command staff draft the letter, which was modified following an
> Administrative Committee meeting and a separate letter approved Jan. 22.
> Tom Anderson and others argued that attempting to force out Steed, plus
> his wife and GOP secretary, Mary, would fracture the local party and prove
> advantageous to the Latah Democrats.
> "We are going to lose," Anderson said. "We are going to lose this party
> that Walter and Mary busted their humps to put together better than anyone
> I've seen."
> No one at Tuesday's meeting denied Steed is the face of the county
> Republican party, but many argued he did not take a stand on the council
> and did not put his allegiance to the conservative principles of the party
> first.
> "I don't see where he would be shot if he said he didn't agree with this
> and refused to sign it," John Embrey said.
> "We shouldn't be animals," Latah County Commissioner Richard Walser said.
> "Is that what we're about? If somebody doesn't pass a litmus test, do we
> throw them under the bus."
> Precinctmen insisted on conducting a secret ballot at the end where 12
> members voted for Bouma's motion over 10 who were opposed. The party also
> voted to draft its own position statement regarding the Second Amendment.
> -------------------------------------
> Seeya round town, Moscow, because . . .
> "Moscow Cares"
> http://www.MoscowCares.com
> Tom "Proud to be a Filthy Liberal Scum" Hansen
> Moscow, Idaho
> "There's room at the top they are telling you still
> But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
> If you want to be like the folks on the hill."
> - John Lennon
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Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)
art.deco.studios at gmail.com
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