[Vision2020] For those of you who believe that . . .

Moscow Cares moscowcares at moscow.com
Fri Aug 16 13:18:48 PDT 2013

. . . the city's involvement, with the Moscow School District, in the development of the Joseph Street Ball Fields, is far more than a lame excuse to attack the Moscow School District's use of public funds, read on . . .

Courtesy of the Moscow City Council 's agenda for August 19, 2013, at:

8.  Draft Agreement for Joseph Street Fields - Gary J. Riedner

On April 1, 2013, the Moscow City Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Moscow School District (MSD), which memorialized the respective obligations of the parties relating to the development of the MSD-owned Joseph Street Fields, located at the intersection of Joseph Street and Mountain View Road. The MOU is included as an attachment to this memo. The main condition which was to be met prior to the parties’ participation in development of the Joseph Street Fields project was the successful passage of a capital bond by the voters of the MSD, which contained a commitment by the MSD to collaborate with the City on development of Joseph Street Fields and to fund one-half (1/2) of the expenses of the development costs of the project, up to $1,500,000.00. If approved by the voters, the City committed to collaborate with the MSD on development of the project and to fund one-half (1/2) of the expenses for the development costs of the project. The bond was successfully passed in May, 2013. Pursuant to City Council and MSD Board of Trustee’s direction, then MSD Superintendent Dale Kleinert and Moscow City Supervisor Gary Riedner met to develop a process for implementation of the collaborative planning, construction and administration of the project and the continuing maintenance of the Joseph Street Fields. Those meetings resulted in the formation of an Authorized Representatives Committee (ARC), representing the City and MSD to develop an agreement and a process for the project. The ARC, supported by City Attorney Rod Hall and MSD Attorneys Ron Landeck and Danelle Forseth met through the month of July and into August preparing a draft agreement for consideration by the City Council and the MSD Board of Trustees. The ARC has developed the attached draft Agreement for Joint Development, Use, Maintenance and Administration of Moscow School District Property at Joseph Street. The draft Agreement is intended to accomplish the goals of the community, MSD and City in developing the Joseph Street Fields project as quickly and efficiently as possible. The draft Agreement will be presented at Moscow City Council on August 19, 2013. If approved, the draft Agreement will be presented to the MSD Board of Trustees at their meeting on August 27, 2013. This item was reviewed by the Administrative Committee on August 12, 2013 and recommended for approval as submitted.

ACTION: Approve the attached draft Agreement for Joint Development, Use, Maintenance and Administration of Moscow School District Property at Joseph Street and submit the approved Agreement to the Moscow School District Board of Trustees for their consideration and approval. 


Committee report, memorandum of understanding, and other documents related to the Draft Agreement for Joseph Street Fields


Jus' keepin' caring folks in the know, Moscow, because . . .

"Moscow Cares" (the most fun you can have with your pants on) 
Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
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