[Vision2020] Hardly Fair

Don Coombs wildmushroomer at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 15:03:53 PDT 2012

It seems hardly fair. I was looking forward to not renewing my subscription
to "Newsweek" because of its swerve into trashiness, under the guidance of
Tina Brown. But now there will be no print version of the magazine after
Dec. 31, and so nothing to not renew.

"Newsweek" becomes just one more magazine to suffer from the application of
Tina's talents.

Of course the all-electronic version of the magazine is going to be "fab."
And of course "Newsweek" is just one print publication that is facing hard

As Mary Elizabeth Williams put it on Salon, "The days of sitting in the
bathtub with a magazine and a beer are, someday very soon, going to be the
days of just sitting in the bathtub with a beer."

Don Coombs
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