[Vision2020] Change Was:Say What? (local/recent)

Art Deco art.deco.studios at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 17:39:56 PDT 2012

Followers of the news will be aware of this:


This belatedly mirrors the long term trend in most of Europe.

Why is this happening?

Here are some of the factors:

Priests/pastors who are pedophiles, enable pedophiles, excuse pedophiles,
and/or help conceal pedophiles and their behavior.

The same on adultery.

Religious professionals in it for the money, fame, personal glorification,
sex, power, etc

Religious professions ignoring the clear and obvious injunctions of Christ
about helping the poor, not lying, the fate of the rich, etc.

The existence of so many different but contradictory religious beliefs and
system so apodictically held.

The way religious professions claim that their brand of religious belief is
correct especially when it mirrors their own particular secular lifestyles.

The inconsistency, great ambiguity, disclarity, and confusion found in
religious writings like the Bible.

The rise of scholarly Biblical investigation and research starting in the
19th century and continuing with vigor today.

The advance of science in discovering answers about the nature of nature
including the nature of humankind.

The advance of science giving answers that are far, far more probable than
those offered by the crackpots that claim biblical inerrancy and all its
absurdities about the age of the earth, the subordination of women, various
races, etc.

The success of empirical methods as opposed to intuition, tenacity,
authority, and personal religious apparitions, hallucinations, etc.

In terms of the quote which started the precursor to this thread, the
behavior of Douglas Wilson has probably greatly contributed to religious
skepticism in this area.  I am often pleasantly surprised when engaged in
conversation with strangers and Wilson's name comes up at how truly many
people are perceptive of his real nature,


Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)
art.deco.studios at gmail.com
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