[Vision2020] A Tradition of Excellence? Not Really!

Rosemary Huskey donaldrose at cpcinternet.com
Sun Nov 18 17:37:50 PST 2012

Ms. Hunsaker,


Your school handbook
<http://www.sd151.k12.id.us/schools/deweb/assets/handbook.pdf>  proclaims in
bold print  "A Tradition of Excellence."  Is this your idea of a joke?  The
least sensitive individual - me, for example, can take one look at your
aggressive, angry looking, clenched-fist bee and wonder what in the world is
behind this crabby, mean-looking choice for an elementary school mascot?
Then I read the handbook  and understood the message behind the iconography.
The use of the term "Sting Team"  throughout the handbook with its
underlying message of a gang of thuggish enforcers hell bent (and I chose
the word hell deliberately) on inflicting  pain and punishment could not be
clearer.  Did the writer of the handbook demonstrate an uncanny prescience
of the face marking event, is this the ambiance you established at Declo
Elementary, or is it a cack-handed attempt at ironic humor?  If you paid for
this mess of a handbook, you were robbed!!!



"A Tradition of Excellence" 

Rebecca L. Hunsaker 


hunbecky at sd151.k12.id.us 

Declo Elementary School 

120 E. main 

Declo, Idaho 83323-5085 



A tradition of excellence?  Really, Ms. Hunsaker?  Really?  In view of
recent events (yes, I mean the abysmal judgment demonstrated by Ms. Summer
Larsen, 4th grade teacher, and bully par excellence coupled with the
acquiescence of you and the faculty) I read the school handbook.  In an
effort to help you cut down on future printing expense I have lined over
elements that you and your faculty, in particular Ms. Larsen, have chosen to
ignore. (I toss all the faculty into the same nasty pot because if they saw
this crappy behavior - and how could they not - and didn't put an end to it,
they are just as guilty as the perpetrator.)  It is my hope that the school
counselor didn't support your decision to allow this behavior.  If she did,
why does she still have a job? How does it happen Ms. Hunsaker, that the
style, prose, and goals have a marked similarity to those of a religious
organization?  This is a public school, isn't it?  You might want to review
other elementary school handbooks for a little compare and contrast


Belief Statements 

1. Education is the foundation of successful and productive lives. 

2. Education is essential for a strong community, state, and nation. 

3. Students and parents share the responsibility for learning 

4. All students can learn given a relevant curriculum, skillful and
dedicated educators, and appropriate opportunities. 

5. Each student is unique and has self-worth. 

6. Students learn best in a positive environment. 

7. Students and school personnel have a right to a safe and comfortable

8. The resources of the district should support the mission and these



Discipline is an integral and important part of the educational process.
Students should display good manners, honesty and integrity. They should
show Respect in all situations, and accept Responsibility for their actions.


Strength-Based Education 

As a faculty and staff, we have worked together to identify what our most
important focus behaviors are. As a school, we will teach these behaviors to
all students. Every faculty and staff member will work on these behaviors
with all students. They are key behaviors, that if practiced, will lead to
life success. 


Declo Elementary Sting Team (red emphasis mine)

5 B's of Good Citzenship 

Be Respectful 

Be Tolerant 

Be Courteous to others 

Be Honest 

Be Safe 


"As a faculty and staff we have also identified two focus behaviors that
will not be tolerated. (You folks are real knee slapping comics) If students
exhibit one of these two behaviors they will have the opportunity to have
correct behavior taught at least three times. After the three threshold
parents will be called and the student will be put on a grade level behavior
plan. "

Sting Team Focus Behaviors 

Physical Harassment 

Verbal Harassment


What, Ms. Hunsaker, do you do to teachers who violate all of the Sting Team
rules?  Make her stay home for a couple of days, you say.  Really, Ms.
Hunsaker? Really?



Our Mission is to provide a quality education necessary for students to be
successful in life. All of our school rules can be related to real life.
Therefore, it is important that our students learn the rules and are able to
abide by them if they are successful in this, they will be successful in
life.   (Like you, Ms. Hunsaker?)


Expectations For Students To Be Successful in life. 

1. Show respect to others and their belongings. 

2. If someone drops something and you are close to it, pick it up. 

3. If someone bumps into you. Say excuse me, even if it was not your fault. 

4. No matter what the circumstances, always be honest. Even if you have done
something wrong, it is best to admit it. 

5. When walking in line, keep your arms at your sides and move quietly. 

6. Hold the door for people rather than letting it close on them. 

7. You don't have to like everyone, but you do have to treat everyone with
respect and kindness. Talk kindly to even those you don't like. 

8. Keep your hands to yourself. 

9. If an adult asks you to do something, do it without moaning or


            Editorial Query?  What if an adult encourages or permits
students to be mean to you, should you accept that treatment without moaning
or complaining?


10. When talking to someone, speak kindly and make eye contact. 

11. When someone does something well, congratulate them. 

12. When listening to people, never interrupt and listen respectfully. You
don't have to agree with them, but you do need to hear them out. 

13. If you win or do something well, don't brag about it. 

14. When someone does something nice for you or gives you something, tell
them thank you even if you don't like whatever it was. 

15. Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness. Always be
thinking of others and what you could do to help them or make them happy. 

16. Don't purposefully leave other people out of things. Try to include
everyone even if there is someone you don't like. 

17. Always clean up any messes you make. Don't expect others to clean up
after you. 

18. Treat others kindly at all times. 

19. Be positive and enjoy life. Some things just aren't worth getting upset
over. Keep everything in perspective and focus on the good in your life. 

20. Be the Best person you can be. 


Rules For Showing Respect and Kindness to Others 

1. No disruptive behavior (running, loud talking, etc.) in the halls. 

2. No swearing or talking rudely to others. 

3. No fighting or pretend fighting. 

4. No throwing of inappropriate object such as pencils, erasers, snowballs,
pebbles, or rock. (rocks?)

5. No bullying, calling names, or teasing. This is Harassment. 

6. Any behavior that stops the teaching process within the classrooms is not
allowed. (Talking, passing notes, refusal to work, not paying attention, not
being prepared, etc.)   Marking on the face on other students and laughing
at them is really cool, and fine with us.

7. No lying or being dishonest in anyway. 

8. In appropriate body language is not accepted. Do not smack your lips,
tsk, o roll your eyes.  (Editorial Query: what is o roll your eyes?

9. No riding bikes, scooters, or skateboards on the playground. 

10. No talking back to anyone, including adults or fellow students. 

11. No illegal substances or weapons are allowed on the school ground or in
the buses. 

12. Respect each classroom teachers' rules.  (Does this include the abusive
treatment in Ms. Larsen's classroom?)


Finally, Ms. Hunsaker, your leadership is as flawed as Ms. Larsen's
classroom management. It unfairly tarnishes the school district, the state,
and quite frankly, the LDS church.  I am not LDS but I do know members are
taught and demonstrate (at least in our community) a strong commitment for
cherishing children.  How could you ignore those teachings?  Declo
Elementary School has attracted extremely embarrassing national and
international condemnation.  I noticed in pictures of the students that
there may be students that speak English as a second language.  Were their
faces marked because they didn't achieve the reading goal?  How many of your
faculty speak a language other than English?  Have you learned anything from
this horrible event?   


Rose Huskey



























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