[Vision2020] RINOs Killed Last Night and Other Numbers of Interest

Rosemary Huskey donaldrose at cpcinternet.com
Wed May 16 12:47:26 PDT 2012

Hi Roger and Donovan,

I have to respectfully disagree with you.  Roger, do you have any accurate information on how many - if any - Republicans voted for Gresham Bouma or Mr. Walser to cancel my votes for Barrett Schroeder, Tom Trail and Wayne Rausch? I voted proactively as Republican-for-the-day because I respect and supported both Tom Trail and Barrett Schroder, and was confident that they would/could represent the best interests of Latah County amongst the Republican candidates. Frankly, I couldn't stomach the notion of Rick Henderson for dog catcher let alone sheriff. Crackpot hardly begins to cover his political thought process.  Further, the Republican alternatives either didn't bring the experience (Mr. Walser) or were just disgusting on many levels (Bouma). Why do I dislike the politics of Gresham Bouma - or do I mean Paula "pocket constitution" Bauer since she clearly appears to be managing every aspect of his campaign (except the precious little editorials on his blog and Facebook)?  The Brushfire Alliance/Tea Party crowd evidence a profound ignorance of history - including, U.S. history, constitutional development and application, economics, sociology, and a horrifying inclination to blend church and state based on their moronic notion that the United States was founded (by "founded" I mean the declaration of separation from Great Britain) as a Christian nation. 
Tea Party and Brush Fire Alliance members remind me of smart third graders which of course is praiseworthy in an eight year old, but not intellectually attractive in an adult. Gresham Bouma and Ms. Bauer are a grotty blending of Joe the Plumber and the former half governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin.  Although, I'm altogether clear whether Bouma or Ms. Bauer is Joe the Plumber. 
I am sorry for the genuine, sincere, thoughtful Republicans in Latah County.  RINO, in my mind, is exactly the term that should be applied to Bouma et al.  They don’t resemble any of the Republicans, including my parents and siblings, that I have ever know.  They certainly are more Virginia Fox and Alan West then they are Olympia Snow and Mike Castle.  What a pity for all of us!
Is it the case, Roger that B.A./T.P apparatchik control the majority of the precinct leadership positions and represent the mind set of most of the candidates? There doesn't appear to be any place for thoughtful, intelligent, experienced moderates in your local party, Roger.  When will Paula be deep-sixing you for some homeschooled yahoo with poop for brains and the demonstrated ability to take orders? 
Rose Huskey

-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com] On Behalf Of lfalen
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:29 AM
To: Donovan Arnold; Moscow Vision2020
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] RINOs Killed Last Night and Other Numbers of Interest

You are correct.  Those left wingers that registered as Republicans in order support Tom and Barrett hurt them more than it helped.
-----Original message-----
From: Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 16 May 2012 08:45:31 -0700
To: Moscow Vision2020 vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: [Vision2020] RINOs Killed Last Night and Other Numbers of Interest

> Last night Latah County and 5th District voters killed off the last of the RINOs in the area. Tragically, Tom Trail lost his bid for the Republican nomination for County Commissioner. Barrett Schroeder was taken to slaughter as well being defeated by an almost 2 to 1 margin by his own political party. Finally, to add insult to injury, Gary Schroeder was prevented from even taking his  precinct chair seat by his own Republican neighbors.
> Only goes to show that you should run with the party you believe, vote for the party you believe in. And support the party you believe in. Voting in a primary that is not your party angers and energizes the party more than it helps your cause. Running on a platform contrary to the party you are running with only results in the energizing of voters to vote against that candidate.
> Keep this in mind as well, most people are not registered to vote, and only 25% of registered voters in Latah even voted last night. And 51% of them voted in the Republican Primary. 17% voted in the Democratic Primary, and about 30% voted only on the non-partisan ballot. Less than 1250 votes were needed by any candidate to win any nomination. With about 35,000-40,000 people in the 5TH District, that is less than 4% of people deciding who gets to even be on the ballot in November--kind of like China and Iran. 
> There are Republican state leaders that want to move the Republican nomination process to just Republican leaders in each district. If that happened, than most elections would be decided by about 250 people in a county like Latah. 
> Oh, and congratulations to all the candidates for running--and those that won their nomination. 
> Remember, if you don't want anything to change, keep voting for the same people to keep doing nothing different. 
> Donovan J. Arnold

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