[Vision2020] The newest, and by far the worst scam in town

Saundra Lund v2020 at ssl1.fastmail.fm
Sun May 13 21:44:49 PDT 2012

Huh – I dunno, Tom – the CBC claims, “Most of the counseling is done at the Anselm House, which house the offices of Christ Church and CBC.”



Rose, thanks for the post.  I don’t think I’m being overly dramatic in thanking God that you’ve sounded the alarm that the resident wolves in sheep’s clothing have a new & very dangerous game in town.  And, I sincerely hope that everyone spreads the word about this contemptible venture.


Honestly, what a dangerous load of hooey.  And yes:  clearly praying the gay away will be part of the crappola given that they view “homosexuality / lesbianism” as sins:

“Another goal of biblical counseling is to help you meet the various challenges of life in a way that will always please and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.”



As for the very real concerns about confidentiality, take your pick of either of these anemic answers:

“We believe the counseling of non-organic (problems with spiritual roots) problems is properly viewed as a ministry of the Word of God done in the context of shepherding (Ez 34:1-16, 2 Tim 3:16). It is one part of CBC’s effort to proclaim God’s truth so that the “manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church” (Eph 3:10). Therefore since we counsel under the authority of the church and see it as a vital part of her ministry, if the counselor believes it is necessary to seek the advice of or report to a person’s elders he/she will do so. That is a rare occasion, but we do want to be upfront with you. Should that occur the counselor will speak with you first regarding the matter.”


“The Bible clearly says that gossip is sin. Therefore, those who counsel as a part of CBC’s counseling ministry will not release information about particular counselees except in the few situations required by the Bible and then only to those who need to know. Those situations are: (1) when someone is being or in danger of being harmed, this includes the counselee; (2) when necessary to prevent a crime from occurring or to report the occurrence of criminal activity (see Romans 13:1-7); (3) when someone persistently refuses to repent or to stop a sinful pattern and it becomes necessary to seek assistance from his/her church (see Matthew 18:15-18).”



So, let’s look at that second excerpt.  Let’s say an unmarried young woman of 22, in the course of this nonsensical counseling, discloses that she’s sexually active.  Because her “counselor” believes being sexually active outside marriage is harmful for her, that gives the counselor license to “disclose” to any Tom, Dick, or Harry the “counselor” deems appropriate.


But, how’s this for confidentiality – posted on a public Web site?  [Emphasis is mine.  SL]


Hi again Hazel,

As you remember we can’t do anything for your husband without talking with him. In other words, we can’t help him through you. We can pray for him, which I do, but unless he wants my help, I can’t help him directly.

That said, the Bible does say that there is something you can do to win your husband to Christ and to Godliness. In 1 Peter 3 it says, if a husband is not living according to the Word, he can be won back to Christ by the behavior of his wife. This should be a source of great joy and comfort for wives whose husbands have strayed. To know that a sinful husband can come back to Christ and that his wife can help him is really good news to many wives. 

A problem arises when we realize that the way God calls a wife to help her husband seems to go against everything inside her. Most women want to talk. To talk it out. To discuss the problem and come up with solutions. To make a plan and then do the plan. But the text says that a wife must keep her mouth shut. She cannot win her husband by talking to him about it. She cannot chat, or discuss things, or bring things up. She also can’t yell at him, or nag him, or coerce him. She can’t burn the toast, give him the “look.” Everything militates against the common female responses to sin in the ranks.

The text says she is to win him without a word. It goes on to say how she is to do this. She is to make the home beautiful, to make herself beautiful, to make his life a joy in every way. She is to simply bow down and call him lord. She is to submit herself to him and lay down her life for him to become his slave.

Because this seems to go against natural wisdom, wives need to really spend a lot of time in prayer. She needs to be on her knees to the point where her own walk with God is pure, clean, holy. She needs to walk with God in a way that causes joy to ooze out of every pore on her person. It needs to have the kind of relationship with God that no matter what were to happen to her she would praise the Lord and say something like, “thank you, I am your servant and don’t deserve anything more” (Luke 17:10).

All this is because love is efficacious. Love changes things. Loving your husband changes him. Changing him doesn’t change him at all, in fact it causes things to go the other way. Only respectful, delightful, awe filled, worshipful love will change him.

When Jesus was talking about how to treat enemies, in Luke 6:27, he said to love them. Paul took that a bit further and said that loving enemies is like pouring hot coals on their heads (Rom. 12:20). This is because loving someone changes them. They cannot stay enemies for long when someone is loving them from the heart.

1 Peter 2 creates the context for chapter 3 by telling us that we need to be like Jesus, who went to the cross in order to love his enemies. So that his enemies might become his friends, he laid down his life for them and we are to do the same.

You need to know that as you begin to love your husband in this way, things might get worse before they get better. I don’t now him at all, but sometimes people who are being loved will lash out at the lover because they don’t think they deserve to be loved in this way. They may respond negatively because they think they are being manipulated. They may also sin in even worse ways because they can’t continue to hate if they are being loved. But, if you continue to love despite the abuse, it will begin to have its effect and things will change.

As you have described things, it sounds like your husband is under a load of shame and guilt. It might be that he feels guilty for your affair. Men who’s wives have “cheated” on them feel a great loss of manness. Men are supposed to be manly and one of the things this means is that they are supposed to maintain their families, especially the love life of their wife. When their wife has an affair it rips the roots out of his life. It makes him feel much less than he ought to be. In many men, it destroys them. They become shells of their former selves. Sometimes they become angry all the time, sullen, withdrawn, moody, go through all sorts of strange changes, or sometimes they have their own affairs to prove that they still are men.

Much of what your husband is doing is related to his reactions to your sin, but some of it is probably also a reaction to his own abdication in the marriage. Which ever it is, or if it is something else, your only recourse is to run to Jesus with all your heart. Read your Bible, pray, sing, hang out with Godly Christian women. I would also recommend reading Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes. You might think about reading Seeing with New Eyes by David Powlison. It is a counseling book, but that isn’t why I’m recommending it. I recommend it because David has a great attitude toward God and what God wants for us. Read it for yourself, not for your husband. Remember, you aren’t allowed to say anything to him.

If your husband does ask what is going on, tell him that you’ve decided to love Jesus and serve your husband in the love that Jesus gives. Don’t lecture, don’t tell him what he needs to do or not do. Don’t try to fix him or the situation. If he has questions, point him to your pastor or to me. But don’t you try to fix anything. Even if he wants to hear what you think, you should do all that you can to tell him without teaching him.

This is because what you are trying to do is to help him walk with God on his own and to restore the relationship you have with your husband in the Lord. If you teach him, you will be taking his spot in the family and this won’t be helpful. This is especially if part of the problem is that he doesn’t think he is the man he ought to be. You both need to let God place you back in your proper places in the family.

I’ve said enough for now. I hope this helps.



So, they feel perfectly comfortable keeping from the community the knowledge that they’d attracted a serial pedophile here who had already victimized multiple children in our community with absolutely no care about the community’s children who didn’t attend Christ Church yet crossed paths with Sitler in other ways, but they have no shame posting correspondence to a woman who had committed adultery.  WTG, Christ Church & CBC!  What an asset to our community you are . . . NOT.


Now, I really must go shower off the manure I’ve been contaminated with by this dangerous CBC wickedness.  Then, I’ll pray that God quits deafening & blinding the utterly shameless men behind the CBC money-making venture.




Moscow, ID


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.

~ Edmund Burke




From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com] On Behalf Of Tom Hansen
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 8:33 PM
To: Don and Rose Huskey
Cc: Moscow Vision2020; <office at christkirk.com>
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] The newest, and by far the worst scam in town


Coincidentally, the Center for Biblical Counseling (518 S. Main, Moscow) is located next door to the Nuart Theater (516 S. Main, Moscow).


The Center for Biblical Counseling

http://www.ccmbooks.org/index.cfm?i=14114 <http://www.ccmbooks.org/index.cfm?i=14114&mid=4&ministryid=25930> &mid=4&ministryid=25930


Rose does bring up an interesting question . . .


What credentials do ANY of those listed within Rose's email possess that qualifies them for anything beyond water cooler gossip?

Seeya round town, Moscow.


Tom Hansen

Moscow, Idaho


"If not us, who?

If not now, when?"


- Unknown



On May 13, 2012, at 19:59, "Rosemary Huskey" <donaldrose at cpcinternet.com> wrote:

Greetings to Christ Church and Trinity Reformed Elders: Jeremy Bunch, John Carnahan, Bill Church, Dale Courtney, John Grauke, Matt Gray, Ed Iverson, Fred Kohl, Mike Lawyer, Csaba Leidenfrost, Ben Merkle, Matt Meyer, Jim Nance, John Sawyer, Wes Struble, Matt Whitling, Douglas Wilson, Gordon Wilson

Deacons: Andrew Crapuchettes, Jim Crapuchettes, Greg Ditton, Tom Garfield, Jonathan McIntosh, Joe Myers, Rusty Olps, Marc Rust, Mark Wintz


Is there ever going to be an end to the trouble and error the elders and deacons of Christ Church bring to the people of our community?  When I learned about your newest scam, The Center for Biblical Counseling <http://www.ccmbooks.org/?i=14114&mid=1000&id=376911> , my heart plummeted.  What in the name of God, and I mean that literally, leads you to believe that you are qualified to counsel distressed people, or worse, train others – in a three day, forty dollar course - to do so?  Your ludicrous claim to “training” <http://www.cbcmoscow.com/contact-us/counseling-in-a-week/>  (your own and the moronic people who will pay forty dollars for it) does not stand up under  scrutiny.  The damage you will do is incalculable.  Clearly, you don’t give two hoots in hell about the people, their families, and the community that you will harm with your pseudo-counseling.  How do you plan to maintain the confidentiality of your clients? It is to be hoped that they will not in the files of Anselm House where any Tom, Doug,  Ben, or Greyfriars student might have access to them.  Spare me from pretending a NANC credential <http://www.nanc.org/Certification>  is convincing to anyone but the most credulous.   Let’s be honest, genuine counseling credentials are more than exchanged emails, phone conversations, open book tests, and videos.  Good Lord, in comparison  ITT Tech look like an ivy leage university.

What twisted, egocentric, lust for self-importance drives the men of the Kirk (and their like-minded allies <http://www.facebook.com/events/216223811815889/?ref=nf>  - click on the “see more …” to learn who else is involved) to believe they are competent to tackle any professional area that arouses their interest?  It’s no wonder that your befuddled wives (who are not even R.N.s) deliver babies at home in a look-a-like child’s wading pool <http://www.fruitfulvinemidwife.com/services/> .  I wonder, can surgery on a kitchen table be far behind? Have you considered the distinct pattern of behavior among Kirkers – men and women - who consistently substitute swaggering (or sashaying) hubris for actual expertise.  

You have chosen a fearful path to walk.  Do you understand the damage you can do?  Do you care? How many desperate people, lured into your office by the claim of free counseling, will be further damaged by your ignorance and presumption.  Why can’t you appreciate the difference between praying with a troubled person and then sending him/her with your blessing and support to a proficient, academically credentialed, and state licensed counselor who has received an education including subjects like  neurobiology, psychiatric illness, personality disorders, human development, and organic brain damage?  And, in an act of true Christian charity, the Kirk can pay the bill.   How do your counselors plan to differentiate between personality changes due to a malignant tumor or just a run of the mill sociopathic personality disorder (which, incidentally is not generally believed to be curable – prayerfully or otherwise)?  Will you also be praying the gay away?  Given Doug’s penchant for mocking, hateful, homophobic language, I suspect it will be high on the agenda.  

The entire community is aware of the Christ Church “cure” for pedophiles – arranged marriages.  (Is that a Christ Church / Biblical Counseling example of a treatment plan?)  Or, are you planning to beat the devil out of your patients – a Reformed exorcism – the way you spank your sinful children?  Whoops, I forgot, spanking is funny <http://www.credenda.org/archive/issues/16-2childer.php> .  Is Tom Garfield, aka Mr. Spanky <http://logosschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Application12-13.pdf>  and Superintendent of Logos School, the leading candidate for that chore based on his expertise with a paddle or has a new child whacker taken over that job at Logos? (I’m betting not.) Doug Wilson is the unblushing author on how spanking is just what God ordered, and it should hurt <http://www.credenda.org/archive/issues/8-4childer.php>  so maybe he will be a switch hitter.

But of course, your free counseling isn’t just charity work, is it?  Once again the old Pyramid Scheme peeks around the corner and gives us a smirky wink and a slimy nudge.  The old tried and true formula  “You-too-can-start-a-Classical–Christian-school  and you don’t need any silly government school degrees to do it “ has morphed to “For-the-meager sum- of-forty-dollars-and–three-days–of- training-you–can- become- a -Christian counselor” and here’s the best part, you don’t need a silly, worthless degree in Psychology to set up shop.   What is the matter with you?  Do you need money so badly that you will peddle snake oil and pretend it is of value?  Have you no shame – oh, wait we know the answer to that question.  You have moved from the jackass category which is sufficiently awful to the toxically dangerous category.  And while, I don’t believe that we have heard the last from the leaders of Christ Church and Trinity Reformed Church, I can’t imagine you could sink much lower.

Rose Huskey

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