[Vision2020] Handgun Clinic

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sun Jun 24 07:35:56 PDT 2012

"'This course is designed to bring you up to speed with the basic principles of employing a handgun in self-defense,' Cernik wrote."

Get EFFING real!  Armed self-defense in Moscow, Idaho???

Has paranoia toward our neighbors developed such a stranglehold here in Moscow that afternoon family conversation has degenerated to . . .

"Honey, I'm going to the mailbox to get the mail.  Cover me!"

Or is it that Doug Wilson and Christ Church have found themselves so deep in the fiscal red zone that a money-making bonanza such as a series of self-run, multiple-level, uncertified self-defense gun clinics was the easiest way out ("Participants had to register in advance for the Level 1 Basic Handgun Clinic, which cost $50 per person.").

I'm guessin' that the first couple hours of the Level 1 "clinic" will consist of the boyz gatherin' 'round the beer cooler comparin' guns, seeking the answer to that age-old question, "Who has the biggest one?", much like the Trinity Fest and its self-indulgent truck rally that can only be best summed up in song . . .

Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"If not us, who?
If not now, when?"

- Unknown

On Jun 23, 2012, at 8:28, Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com> wrote:

> "This course is designed to bring you up to speed with the basic principles of employing a handgun in self-defense," Cernik wrote

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