[Vision2020] Risky Rise of the Good-Grade Pill

Dave tiedye at turbonet.com
Sun Jun 10 20:56:19 PDT 2012

What you may have took back then was "cross-tops", not actually an 
amphetamine.  I know I took a lot of them in the late seventies.

It was actually strychnine, i.e. rat poison.  The speedy effect is your 
adrenalin helping your body fight the stuff.

I hear that Adderall is a pretty fun (and clean) speed high.   I haven't 
tried it though, (a Dr. wanted to prescribe it for me once, but I 
actually prefer being ADD).

What worries me is how many kids are strung out on the shit due to their 
Dr.'s orders.


On 6/10/2012 12:52 PM, Sue Hovey wrote:
> We used amphetamines in college way back in the 50s for exactly the 
> same thing..late night studying or finishing assignments before 
> deadlines because we'd put everything off till the last minute.  I 
> sure wasn't unique in my habits, and this was Baylor University where 
> we didn't drink, smoke, or even dance (in public,) but we did use 
> those little pills.  I don't think much has changed here.  Everybody 
> used them, either to keep awake or lose weight, or both.
> Sue H.
> *From:* Art Deco <mailto:art.deco.studios at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Sunday, June 10, 2012 6:23 AM
> *To:* vision2020 at moscow.com <mailto:vision2020 at moscow.com>
> *Subject:* [Vision2020] Risky Rise of the Good-Grade Pill
> The New York Times <http://www.nytimes.com/>
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> June 9, 2012
>   Risky Rise of the Good-Grade Pill
>             By ALAN SCHWARZ
>             <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/s/alan_schwarz/index.html>
> He steered into the high school parking lot, clicked off the ignition 
> and scanned the scraps of his recent weeks. Crinkled chip bags on the 
> dashboard. Soda cups at his feet. And on the passenger seat, a rumpled 
> SAT practice book whose owner had been told since fourth grade he was 
> headed to the Ivy League. Pencils up in 20 minutes.
> The boy exhaled. Before opening the car door, he recalled recently, he 
> twisted open a capsule of orange powder and arranged it in a neat line 
> on the armrest. He leaned over, closed one nostril and snorted it.
> Throughout the parking lot, he said, eight of his friends did the same 
> thing.
> The drug was not cocaine or heroin, but Adderall, an amphetamine 
> <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopics/amphetamines/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier> 
> prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 
> <http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd/overview.html?inline=nyt-classifier> 
> that the boy said he and his friends routinely shared to study late 
> into the night, focus during tests and ultimately get the grades 
> worthy of their prestigious high school in an affluent suburb of New 
> York City. The drug did more than just jolt them awake for the 8 a.m. 
> SAT; it gave them a tunnel focus tailor-made for the marathon of tests 
> long known to make or break college applications.
> "Everyone in school either has a prescription or has a friend who 
> does," the boy said.
> At high schools across the United States, pressure over grades and 
> competition for college admissions are encouraging students to abuse 
> prescription stimulants, according to interviews with students, 
> parents and doctors. Pills that have been a staple in some college and 
> graduate school circles are going from rare to routine in many 
> academically competitive high schools, where teenagers say they get 
> them from friends, buy them from student dealers or fake symptoms to 
> their parents and doctors to get prescriptions 
> <http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/specialtopic/getting-a-prescription-filled/overview.html?inline=nyt-classifier>. 
> Of the more than 200 students, school officials, parents and others 
> contacted for this article, about 40 agreed to share their 
> experiences. Most students spoke on the condition that they be 
> identified by only a first or middle name, or not at all, out of 
> concern for their college prospects or their school systems' 
> reputations --- and their own.
> "It's throughout all the private schools here," said DeAnsin Parker, a 
> New York psychologist who treats many adolescents from affluent 
> neighborhoods like the Upper East Side. "It's not as if there is one 
> school where this is the culture. This is the culture."
> Observed Gary Boggs, a special agent for the Drug Enforcement 
> Administration 
> <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/d/drug_enforcement_administration/index.html?inline=nyt-org>, 
> "We're seeing it all across the United States."
> The D.E.A. lists prescription stimulants like Adderall 
> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0000166/> and Vyvanse 
> <http://www.vyvanse.com/> (amphetamines) and Ritalin 
> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0000606/> and Focalin 
> <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0000223/> 
> (methylphenidates) as Class 2 controlled substances 
> <http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/schedules/index.html> --- the same 
> as cocaine and morphine --- because they rank among the most addictive 
> substances that have a medical use. (By comparison, the long-abused 
> anti-anxiety drug Valium is in the lower Class 4.) So they carry high 
> legal risks, too, as few teenagers appreciate that merely giving a 
> friend an Adderall or Vyvanse pill is the same as selling it and can 
> be prosecuted as a felony.
> While these medicines tend to calm people with A.D.H.D., those without 
> the disorder find that just one pill can jolt them with the energy and 
> focus to push through all-night homework binges and stay awake during 
> exams afterward. "It's like it does your work for you," said William 
> <http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/06/10/education/stimulants-student-voices.html#/submit#3>, 
> a recent graduate of the Birch Wathen Lenox School 
> <http://www.bwl.org/RelId/33637/ISvars/default/Home.htm> on the Upper 
> East Side of Manhattan.
> But abuse of prescription stimulants can lead to depression and mood 
> swings (from sleep deprivation), heart irregularities and acute 
> exhaustion or psychosis 
> <http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/psychosis/overview.html?inline=nyt-classifier> 
> during withdrawal, doctors say. Little is known about the long-term 
> effects of abuse of stimulants among the young. Drug counselors say 
> that for some teenagers, the pills eventually become an entry to the 
> abuse of painkillers and sleep aids.
> "Once you break the seal on using pills, or any of that stuff, it's 
> not scary anymore --- especially when you're getting A's," said the 
> boy who snorted Adderall in the parking lot. He spoke from the couch 
> of his drug counselor, detailing how he later became addicted to the 
> painkiller Percocet and eventually heroin.
> Paul L. Hokemeyer, a family therapist at Caron Treatment Centers 
> <http://www.caron.org/> in Manhattan, said: "Children have prefrontal 
> cortexes that are not fully developed, and we're changing the 
> chemistry of the brain. That's what these drugs do. It's one thing if 
> you have a real deficiency --- the medicine is really important to 
> those people --- but not if your deficiency is not getting into Brown."
> The number of prescriptions for A.D.H.D. medications dispensed for 
> young people ages 10 to 19 has risen 26 percent since 2007, to almost 
> 21 million yearly, according to IMS Health, a health care information 
> company --- a number that experts estimate corresponds to more than 
> two million individuals. But there is no reliable research on how many 
> high school students take stimulants as a study aid. Doctors and 
> teenagers from more than 15 schools across the nation with high 
> academic standards estimated that the portion of students who do so 
> ranges from 15 percent to 40 percent.
> "They're the A students, sometimes the B students, who are trying to 
> get good grades," said one senior at Lower Merion High School in 
> Ardmore, a Philadelphia suburb, who said he makes hundreds of dollars 
> a week selling prescription drugs, usually priced at $5 to $20 per 
> pill, to classmates as young as freshmen. "They're the quote-unquote 
> good kids, basically."
> The trend was driven home last month to Nan Radulovic, a 
> psychotherapist in Santa Monica, Calif. Within a few days, she said, 
> an 11th grader, a ninth grader and an eighth grader asked for 
> prescriptions for Adderall solely for better grades. From one girl, 
> she recalled, it was not quite a request.
> "If you don't give me the prescription," Dr. Radulovic said the girl 
> told her, "I'll just get it from kids at school."
> *Keeping Everyone Happy*
> Madeleine surveyed her schedule of five Advanced Placement classes 
> <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/a/advanced_placement_program/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier>, 
> field hockey and several other extracurricular activities and knew she 
> could not handle it all. The first physics test of the year --- 
> inclines, friction, drag --- loomed ominously over her college 
> prospects. A star senior at her Roman Catholic school in Bethesda, 
> Md., Madeleine knew a friend whose grades had gone from B's to A's 
> after being prescribed Ritalin, so she asked her for a pill.
> She got a 95. Thereafter, Madeleine recalled, she got Adderall and 
> Vyvanse capsules the rest of the year from various classmates --- not 
> in exchange for money, she said, but for tutoring them in calculus or 
> proofreading their English papers.
> "Can I get a drink of water?" Madeleine said she would ask the teacher 
> in one class, before excusing herself and heading to the water 
> fountain. Making sure no one was watching, she would remove a 
> 40-milligram Vyvanse capsule from her purse and swallow it. After 30 
> minutes, the buzz began, she said: laser focus, instant recall and the 
> fortitude to crush any test in her path.
> "People would have never looked at me and thought I used drugs like 
> that --- I wasn't that kid," said Madeleine, who has just completed 
> her freshman year at an Ivy League college and continues to use 
> stimulants occasionally. "It wasn't that hard of a decision. Do I want 
> only four hours of sleep and be a mess, and then underperform on the 
> test and then in field hockey? Or make the teachers happy and the 
> coach happy and get good grades, get into a good college and make my 
> parents happy?"
> Madeleine estimated that one-third of her classmates at her small 
> school, most of whom she knew well, used stimulants without a 
> prescription to boost their scholastic performance. Many students 
> across the United States made similar estimates for their schools, all 
> of them emphasizing that the drugs were used not to get high, but 
> mostly by conscientious students to work harder and meet ever-rising 
> academic expectations.
> These estimates can be neither confirmed nor refuted because little 
> data captures this specific type of drug misuse. A respected annual 
> survey financed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse 
> <http://www.drugabuse.gov/>, "Monitoring the Future," reports that 
> abuse of prescription amphetamines by 10th and 12th graders nationally 
> has actually dipped from the 1990s and is remaining relatively steady 
> at about 10 percent.
> However, some experts note that the survey does not focus on the 
> demographic where they believe such abuse is rising steadily --- 
> students at high-pressure high schools --- and also that many 
> teenagers barely know that what they often call "study drugs" are in 
> fact illegal amphetamines.
> "Isn't it just like a vitamin?" asked one high school junior from 
> Eastchester, a suburb of New York.
> Liz Jorgensen, a licensed addiction specialist who runs Insight 
> Counseling in Ridgefield, Conn., said her small center had treated "at 
> least 50 or 60" high school students from southern Connecticut this 
> school year alone who had abused prescription stimulants for 
> academics. Ms. Jorgensen said some of those teenagers landed in rehab 
> directly from the stimulants or, more often, grew comfortable with 
> prescription drugs in general and began abusing prescription 
> painkillers like OxyContin.
> A spokesman for Shire, which manufactures Vyvanse and Adderall's 
> extended-release capsules, said studies had shown no link between 
> prescribed use of those drugs and later abuse.
> Dr. Jeff Jonas, Shire's senior vice president for research and 
> development, said that the company was greatly concerned about the 
> misuse of its stimulants but that the rate was very small. "I'm not 
> aware of any systematic data that suggests there's a widespread 
> problem," he said. "You can always find people who testify that it 
> happens."
> Students who sell prescription stimulants to their classmates focus on 
> their burdens and insecurities. One girl who sells to fellow students 
> at Long Beach High School on Long Island said: "These kids would get 
> in trouble if they don't do well in school. When people take tests, 
> it's immediately, 'Who am I getting Adderall from?' They're always 
> looking for it."
> Every school identified in this article was contacted regarding 
> statements by its students and stimulant abuse in general. Those that 
> responded generally said that they were concerned about some teenagers 
> turning to these drugs, but that their numbers were far smaller than 
> the students said.
> David Weiss, superintendent of Long Beach Public Schools, said the 
> survey his district used to gauge student drug use asked about only 
> prescription medications in general, not stimulants specifically.
> "It has not been a surface issue for us --- we're much more conscious 
> of alcohol or other drug use," Mr. Weiss said in a telephone 
> interview. "We haven't had word that it's a widespread issue."
> Douglas Young, a spokesman for the Lower Merion School District 
> outside Philadelphia, said prescription stimulant abuse was covered in 
> various student-wellness initiatives as well as in the 10th-grade 
> health curriculum. Mr. Young expressed frustration that many parents 
> seemed oblivious to the problem.
> "It's time for a serious wake-up call," Mr. Young said. "Straight A's 
> and high SAT scores look great on paper, but they aren't reflective 
> measures of a student's health and well-being. We need to better 
> understand the pressures and temptations, and ultimately we need to 
> embrace new definitions of student success. For many families and 
> communities, that's simply not happening."
> *Fooling the Doctors*
> During an interview in March, the dealer at Lower Merion High reached 
> into his pocket and pulled out the container for his daily stash of 
> the prescription stimulants Concerta and Focalin: a hollowed-out 
> bullet. Unlike his other products --- marijuana 
> <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/m/marijuana/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier> 
> and heroin, which come from higher-level dealers --- his amphetamines 
> came from a more trusted, and trusting, source, he said.
> "I lie to my psychiatrist --- I expressed feelings I didn't really 
> have, knowing the consequences of it," he said, standing in a park a 
> few miles from the high school. "I tell the doctor, 'I find myself 
> very distracted, and I feel this really deep pain inside, like I'm 
> anxious all the time,' or something like that."
> He coughed out a chuckle and added proudly, "Generally, if you keep 
> playing the angsty-teen role, you'll get something good."
> Christine, a junior sitting nearby, said she followed the well-known 
> lines to get her drugs directly and legally, a script for scripts. 
> "I'm not able to focus on schoolwork," she said in a mockingly anxious 
> voice. "I'm constantly looking out the window." Although she often 
> uses the drugs herself, snorting them for a faster and more intense 
> effect, she said she preferred to save them for when her customers 
> crave them most.
> "Right before everybody took the PSATs, a bunch of kids went to the 
> bathroom to snort their Addies," she said.
> This is one of the more vexing problems with stimulants in high 
> schools, experts said --- the drugs enter the schools via students who 
> get them legally, if not legitimately.
> Older A.D.H.D. drugs required low doses every few hours, and schools, 
> not wanting students to carry the drugs themselves, had the school 
> nurse hold and dispense the pills. Newer long-lasting versions like 
> Adderall XR and Vyvanse allow parents to give children a single dose 
> in the morning, often unaware that the pills can go down a pants 
> pocket as easily as the throat. Some students said they took their 
> pills only during the week and gave their weekend pills to friends.
> The mother of one high school freshman in Westchester County said she 
> would open the kitchen cabinet every morning and watch her son take 
> his prescribed dose of Ritalin. She noticed one day that the capsule 
> was strangely airy and held it up to the light. It was empty.
> "There were a few times we were short in the month, and I couldn't 
> understand why," recalled the woman, whose son was in eighth grade at 
> the time. "It never dawned on me until I found those empty capsules, 
> and then I started discovering the little packets of powder. He was 
> selling it to other kids."
> A number of teenagers interviewed laughed at the ease with which they 
> got some doctors to write prescriptions for A.D.H.D. The disorder's 
> definition requires inattentiveness, hyperactivity 
> <http://health.nytimes.com/health/guides/symptoms/hyperactivity/overview.html?inline=nyt-classifier> 
> or impulse control to present "clinically significant impairment" in 
> at least two settings (school and home, for example), according to the 
> Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Crucially, some of this 
> impairment must have been in evidence by age 7; a proper diagnosis for 
> a teenager claiming to have A.D.H.D., several doctors said, requires 
> interviewing parents, teachers and others to confirm that the problems 
> existed long before.
> Many youngsters with prescriptions said their doctors merely listened 
> to their stories and took out their prescription pads. Dr. Hilda R. 
> Roque, a primary-care physician in West New York, N.J., said she never 
> prescribed A.D.H.D. medicine but knew many doctors who did. She said 
> many parents could push as hard for prescriptions as their children 
> did, telling her: "My child is not doing well in school. I understand 
> there are meds he can take to make him smarter."
> "To get a prescription for Adderall was the Golden Ticket --- it 
> really was," said William, the recent graduate of Birch Wathen in 
> Manhattan.
> A high school senior in Connecticut who has used his friend's Adderall 
> for school said: "These are academic steroids 
> <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/health/diseasesconditionsandhealthtopics/steroids/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier>. 
> But usually, parents don't get the steroids for you."
> As with the steroids taken by athletes, the downside of prescription 
> stimulants appears after they provide the desired short-term 
> competitive benefits. This was the case with a recent graduate of 
> McLean High School in Virginia, one of the top public schools in the 
> Washington area.
> Late in his sophomore year, the boy wanted some help to raise his B 
> average --- far from what top colleges expected, especially from a 
> McLean student. So he told his psychologist what she needed to hear 
> for a diagnosis of A.D.H.D. --- even gazing out the window during the 
> appointment for effect --- and was soon getting 30 pills of Adderall 
> every month, 10 milligrams each. They worked. He focused late into the 
> night studying, concentrated better during exams and got an A-minus 
> average for his junior year.
> "I wanted to do everything I could to get into the quote-unquote right 
> school," he recalled recently.
> As senior year began, when another round of SATs and one last set of 
> good grades could put him over the top, the boy said he still had 
> trouble concentrating. The doctor prescribed 30 milligrams a day. When 
> college applications hit, he bought extra pills for $5 apiece from a 
> girl in French class who had fooled her psychiatrist, too, and began 
> taking several on some days.
> The boy said that as his A-minus average continued through senior 
> year, no one suspected that "a kid who went to Bible camp" and had so 
> improved his grades could be abusing drugs. By the time he was 
> accepted and had enrolled at a good but not great college, he was up 
> to 300 milligrams a day --- constantly taking more to stave off the 
> inevitable crash.
> One night, after he had taken about 400 milligrams, his heart started 
> beating wildly. He began hallucinating and then convulsing. He was 
> rushed to the emergency room and wound up spending seven months at a 
> drug rehabilitation center.
> To his surprise, two of 20 fellow patients there had also landed in 
> rehab solely from abusing stimulants in high school.
> "No one seems to think that it's a real thing --- adults on the 
> outside looking in," the boy said. "The other kids in rehab thought we 
> weren't addicts because Adderall wasn't a real drug. It's so 
> underestimated."
> *'No Way You'd Notice'*
> The Sklar family lives near the top of a daunting hill in Ardsley, a 
> comfortable suburb north of New York City. Ardsley High School sends 
> dozens of graduates every year to Ivy League-caliber colleges. When 
> students there use Facebook, they all know that its founder, Mark 
> Zuckerberg, once walked the same halls.
> At their kitchen table after school last month, Dodi Sklar listened as 
> her ninth-grade son, Jonathan, described how some classmates already 
> abused stimulants --- long before SATs and college applications. An 
> accomplished student who said he would never join them, Jonathan 
> described the ease with which he could.
> "There's no way you'd notice --- that's why so many kids are doing 
> it," he told his mother. "I could say I'm going for a run, call 
> someone I know who does it, get some pills from them, take them, come 
> home and work. Just do it. You'd be just glad that I was studying hard."
> His mother sighed. "As a parent you worry about driving, you worry 
> about drinking, you worry about all kinds of health and mental issues, 
> social issues," she said. "Now I have to worry about this, too? 
> Really? This shouldn't be what they need to do to get where they want 
> to."
> Asked if the improper use of stimulants was cheating, students were 
> split. Some considered that the extra studying hours and the 
> heightened focus during exams amounted to an unfair advantage. Many 
> countered that the drugs "don't give you the answers" and defended 
> their use as a personal choice for test preparation, akin to tutoring.
> One consensus was clear: users were becoming more common, they said, 
> and some students who would rather not take the drugs would be 
> compelled to join them because of the competition over class rank and 
> colleges' interest.
> A current law student in Manhattan, who said he dealt Adderall 
> regularly while at his high school in Sarasota, Fla., said that 
> insecurity was a main part of his sales pitch: that those students 
> "would feel at a huge disadvantage," he said.
> William, the recent Birch Wathen graduate, said prescription 
> stimulants became a point of contention when a girl with otherwise 
> middling grades suddenly improved her SAT score.
> "There was an uproar among kids --- some people were really proud of 
> her, and some kids were really jealous and mad," he recalled. "I don't 
> remember if she had a prescription, but she definitely took more than 
> was prescribed. People would say, 'You're so smart,' and she'd say, 
> 'It wasn't all me.' "
> One sophomore at Harvard-Westlake School <http://www.hw.com/> in 
> Studio City, Calif., is unsure what his future holds. Enrolled at one 
> of the top high schools on the West Coast, he said he tried a friend's 
> Adderall this semester but disliked the sensation of his heart beating 
> rapidly for hours. He vowed never to do it again.
> But as he watches upperclassmen regularly abuse stimulants as they 
> compete for top college slots, he is not quite sure.
> "Junior and senior year is a whole new ballgame," the boy said. "I 
> promised myself I wouldn't take it, but that can easily, easily 
> change. I can be convinced."
> -- 
> Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)
> art.deco.studios at gmail.com <mailto:art.deco.studios at gmail.com>
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