[Vision2020] The King of Kack-handedness

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sat Jun 2 06:33:32 PDT 2012

If His Whineyness should seek a sound-bite to be used as a matter of introduction prior to his sermons, might I suggest this rather appropriate classic . . .


(I can almost hear it now, its tones spewing from Christ Church and onto Washington Street on a sunny, warm Sunday morning)

Note to His Whineyness:  Don't forget to pay your property taxes.

Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"If not us, who?
If not now, when?"

- Unknown

On Jun 2, 2012, at 6:11, Art Deco <art.deco.studios at gmail.com> wrote:

> Rose,
> Thank you for keeping the community informed about Cultmaster Douglas Wilson's evolving delusions.  
> His delusions continue to evolve on another front.  Even among the  so-called Christian anti-egalitarians/anti-feminists Cultmaster Douglas Wilson is on the the extreme end of intolerance and gender based tyranny:
> http://adaughterofthereformation.wordpress.com/tag/doug-wilson/
> and from the above link, this link:
> http://www.visionforumministries.org/home/about/Biblical_patriarchy.aspx
> Wilson said many years ago in a Daily News article that he never changes, a position which is equivalent to equating himself with his alleged God.  It is clear though that despite his denials, Wilson is becoming more and more narrow minded and dictatorial as does his image of his alleged God, who not strangely comes to resemble Wilson more and more everyday.
> The thoughtful searcher will also discover that the Doctrine of Covenantal Dishonesty apparently includes becoming a half million dollar deadbeat.   Local businesses:  BEWARE!
> w.
> On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Rosemary Huskey <donaldrose at cpcinternet.com> wrote:
> I am no fan of Jonah Goldberg.  On the other hand, the notion that because he and Dougels share  some philosophical and political positions that Mr. Goldberg is on his way to converting to Christianity is just plain insulting and nutty.  What a jackass!
> Rose Huskey
> Douglas Wilson On TOC
> By Jonah Goldberg
> June 1, 2012 12:46 P.M.
> Comments
> 0
> A very nice review. This part caught my eye, though:
> I enjoyed this book almost as much as I enjoyed his Liberal Fascism. Goldberg combines the best of libertarianism and conservatism in a way that is quite conducive to my taste. The only thing he is missing is the Christian foundation (he writes as a secular Jew), but his miss is a whole lot closer to the truth than the groveling that many Christians engage in when they apologize for things in Christian history that either require no apology, or which require a very different apology than the one being demanded. Goldberg is about as fair-minded as it gets. I suspect his fair-mindedenss is a function of having thought about conversion more than once.
> I hear this quite a bit and I must say that it’s really not the case. I think the sources of what Wilson sees as my fair-mindedness are more likely the result of my upbringing (I was raised Jewish but my mother never converted to Judaism) and my genuinely conservative fondness for old institutions, like the Catholic Church, Catholic writers (like Chesterton, William F. Buckley et al) and my genuine love for America and Western Civilization, both of which grew out of the (Judeo-)Christian experience. If a conversion is in the offing it will probably be to a more committed form of Judaism.
> http://www.nationalreview.com/tyranny-blog/301570/douglas-wilson-toc
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> Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)
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