[Vision2020] Drinking Liberally (Boise)

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Mon Jan 16 19:16:57 PST 2012

Courtesy of "Drinking Liberally - Boise"

Join Drinking Liberally Boise this Wednesday the 18th at 7PM!

We'll be meeting at Solid Bar & Grill and there are plenty of topics to dive into:

The Idaho Legislature has a lot on its plate and the budget is going to color almost every issue:
Butch Otter's "New Normal" or the state of public services after three years of cuts.
Medicaid and the health insurance exchange.
Tax incentives and jobs creation.
There is at least one advance the legislature could make for free: add words to the Idaho human rights act to protect gender identity and sexual orientation.

And on the national level the excitement never ends:

Idahoans have their day in the Supreme Court as arguments begin in Sackett v. EPA to answer: "Do landowners have a right to go to court to challenge a Clean Water Act order of the Environmental Protection Agency?"
The Republican primary slog continues to Super Tuesday and beyond.
Also: who had money on Republicans arguing about vulture-capitalism? Nobody?
All that and more this Wednesday with Drinking Liberally Boise.

See you there,
Alexander "Loves State Impact Idaho" Grad


Seeya later, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Spokane, Washington

"If not us, who?
If not now, when?"

- Unknown
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