[Vision2020] PR - CORRECTED TIME Farmers Market Policies

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Feb 10 14:34:16 PST 2012

City of Moscow
206 E Third Street
Moscow, ID 83843
Contact: Gary J. Riedner, City Supervisor
p     |  208-883-7006
e     |   griedner at ci.moscow.id.us<mailto:griedner at ci.moscow.id.us>
w    |  www.ci.moscow.id.us<http://www.ci.moscow.id.us>

CORRECTED - City Accepting Comments on Proposed Farmers Market Policies

February 10, 2012 (Moscow, Idaho) - The City of Moscow is accepting comments on currently proposed Farmers Market polices, located on the web at www.ci.moscow.id.us/art/fm/market_feedback.aspx<http://www.ci.moscow.id.us/art/fm/market_feedback.aspx>.   The currently proposed policies will be reviewed by the Administrative Committee of the City Council on February 13, in City Hall Council Chamber, 206 E Third Street at 4:30 p.m.

The currently proposed policies have been drafted by City staff with input from the Farmers Market Advisory Board and the Moscow Arts Commission.  The Administrative Committee will provide City staff direction regarding the proposed policies prior to forwarding them to the full City Council for consideration.  All public comment submitted will be reviewed when the matter is considered by the full City Council.  The date for that meeting will be determined based upon direction given by the Administrative Committee at the February 13th meeting.

For more information regarding the Farmers Market and proposed policies, please contact Arts Director Kathleen Burns at 208.883.7036.


Story Contact: Kathleen Burns, Arts Director
Phone: 208.883.7036
Email: kburns at ci.moscow.id.us<mailto:kburns at ci.moscow.id.us>

The City of Moscow delivers quality municipal services while ensuring responsible use of resources.
We anticipate and meet the needs of our diverse population in order to build public trust and enhance a sense of community.

[Description: Facebook Email Small]<http://www.facebook.com/#!/CityofMoscowIdaho>      [Description: Twitter Email Small] <https://twitter.com/#!/CityofMoscowId>

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