[Vision2020] Year-end personal computer maintenance

Kenneth Marcy kmmos1 at frontier.com
Sun Dec 30 17:59:47 PST 2012

Another year, another collection of bits and bytes, some of which might 
be better organized, or saved to other media, or discarded altogether.

Procedures, not just for accountants, but for everyone who operates a 
computer regularly, to backup important data, clean out temporary files, 
maintain storage media, etc., should be accomplished periodically, and 
the end of a calendar year is a good time to get them done.

I'm not going to post suggested details because of the diversity of 
systems extant, but I hope this reminder about the subject matter is 

It's also as good a time as any, and maybe better than most, to 
physically change or add storage devices, memory capacity, and, of 
course, to vacuum out the dust bunny collection inside the system 
container.  Ahem.

Then as a reward for all your good work you may read Stephen King's 
novel Delores Claiborne, which also has dust bunnies.  (Are they under 
the bed?  If I put my leg over the edge . . . oh, no!)


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