[Vision2020] How Many More . . .

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 17 16:12:14 PDT 2012

I just think you need to hold each person in the chain of ownership accountable to the degree they were. I really don't believe that manufacturers are completely unaware who buys and how their products are distributed. All major manufacturers know the supply, demand, and logistics of their business or they would be out of business. However, they are not as responsible as the person that sells to known criminals. 
Donovan J. Arnold

From: Kenneth Marcy <kmmos1 at frontier.com>
To: Moscow Vision2020 <vision2020 at moscow.com> 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] How Many More . . .

On 8/17/2012 12:44 PM, Wayne Price wrote:
> Ron,
> " ... seeking to hold gun manufacturers and dealers liable for negligence when their weapons are used in crimes..."
> I the truest spirt of equity,how far  do we carry this?

Hold liable the owner of record, which would require, after some date certain, the existence of an agreed national registry of owners of record. Current federal laws don't allow such to be created, though there are registration exceptions for "gangster guns", and there are various federal databases, probably uncoordinated, containing data of uncertain accuracy and timeliness.

Were the federal law to be amended to treat guns loosely analogously to securities, ownership of specific firearms, and the financial basis for that ownership, could be reported annually or quarterly on an IRS form into a national registry. Purchase and sale of weapons could be treated not-so-differently than stocks or bonds, with individually-identified weapons changing ownership at the financial leisure of the taxpayer-owner, and with complete respect for the owner's constitutional rights.

> It's far too slippery of a slope to hold a legitimate manufacturer and dealer liable when they have no control over their products, no matter what those products are, once they leave the manufactures and dealers control.

If weapons manufacturers are not to be held liable, then the latest subsequent owners of their products may be held liable if that ownership is insufficiently careful of control over those products whose use is inherently dangerous.


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