[Vision2020] Steve Jobs

Paul Rumelhart godshatter at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 6 07:38:34 PDT 2011

I'm saddened to see one of the true visionaries that helped bring 
desktop computing to the masses pass away.

I don't generally use Apple products, though I do own an iPod shuffle.  
The last Apple computer I used I think was the Apple IIc (or was it a 
IIe?) that was, iirc, in the foyer of the Principal's office in the 
Junior High when I was going to school here.  Maybe it was at the High 
School.  It's been too long ago.

Anyway, without the early entrepreneurs like Jobs, we wouldn't be where 
we are today.  The world of computing could have taken a different turn, 
and been much more closed and distant.  Think massive mainframes and 
public computer terminals.

He was also involved in Lucasfilms and Pixar, and anyone connected to 
Pixar rocks in my book.


On 10/05/2011 10:03 PM, Kenneth Marcy wrote:
> Steve Jobs, Apple co-founder, has died. Here are his thoughts on everything
> from design to the internet and death itself
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/oct/06/steve-jobs-quotes
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