[Vision2020] Shooting Wolves

Rosemary Huskey donaldrose at cpcinternet.com
Tue May 3 15:16:19 PDT 2011

Just for the record, I have a personal interest in the elk population of
North Idaho, since I really like to eat elk meat.  Frankly, I haven't
experienced any particular depletion in elk numbers in Latah County.  Wayne,
is absolutely right, the greatest predators of elk are people - me included.
I support the re-introduction of wolves based in part on statements like the
following from Washington State Department of fish and Wildlife.


"Elk populations in other states (ID, MT, WY) with wolves have mostly
remained stable, although some have declined in areas where wolves are one
of several factors affecting numbers. Idaho Department of Fish and Game
recently reported (August 2010) that elk populations are at or above
management objectives in 23 of the state's 29 elk management zones. A large
five-year study of over 500 tagged cow elk in 11 management zones in that
state found that hunter harvest was the leading cause of elk deaths in six
zones and greatly outweighed wolf predation overall, which was significant
in four zones. In the worst case (Lolo zone), deteriorating habitat and
other factors contributed to the elk population declining by half from 1988
to 1998; after the arrival of wolves in 1998, the population dropped by
another 70 percent. For the full report, see
http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/cms/news/fg_news/. Wolves can cause elk to
spend more time in heavily forested areas, on steeper slopes, and at higher
elevations than they did before wolves were present. These changes in
behavior can contribute to the misimpression among some hunters that wolves
have caused broad decreases in elk numbers. Wolf-caused declines in deer
populations have not been reported in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming."


Reading the entire article before going ballistic in response to my
inflammatory rhetoric might be a helpful way to negotiate this conversation.
In the meantime, I believe that the Washington Department of Fish and
Wildlife offers a reasonable, and scientifically based source of information
as opposed to one offered by red necks with guns and a hysterical response
to not harvesting an elk or deer last year. Sorry folks, shooting wolves
under these circumstances is just not Justified.


Rose Huskey


From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
On Behalf Of Art Deco
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 2:45 PM
To: Vision 2020
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Shooting Wolves




The wolf controversy is similar to the birther controversy.  A bunch of
ignorant people supporting their anti-wolf position with lies, myths, and
fear mongering tactics.  There is a problem, but it has been greatly
exaggerated, especially locally,  and especially about the elk population
whose greatest predators are human hunters and poachers.


Shooting from helicopters?  Too bad the wolves can't shoot back!



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Rosemary Huskey <mailto:donaldrose at cpcinternet.com>  

To: 'Moscow Vision 2020' <mailto:vision2020 at moscow.com>  

Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 1:55 PM

Subject: [Vision2020] Shooting Wolves


I recognize that the reintroduction of wolves in Idaho is a hotly debated
topic. Regardless, of one's position in this ongoing argument, I am repulsed
by the following statement. " Aerial gunning of wolves in the Lolo Zone
could begin "with all due haste," if the animals are delisted by the end of
this week, said Idaho Fish and Game Director Virgil Moore at Lewiston this
morning."  This is crackpottery and blood lust of the first degree.
Shooting animals from a helicopter - I can't imagine any genuine sportsman
or woman who would want to be connected in any way with these despicable
antics.  Shades of the half-term governor Sarah Palin.    

Rose Huskey


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