[Vision2020] Child Protective Services

Reggie Holmquist reggieholmquist at u.boisestate.edu
Mon Mar 7 11:45:49 PST 2011

I'm going to agree with Roger(!) here.  Cuts should come from prisons.
Sentences can be shortened because most of them are currently too harsh.
Harsher sentences came about as a result of lobbying (mostly by "concerned
parents" groups) in the 80s.  Nowadays, the US holds a quarter of the
world's prison population, but only 5% of the world's total population.  The
fact that 35-40% of Idaho prison costs are unadjustable (because they are
contracted out) is also unacceptable.  A private industry complex should not
have been created to carry out what should be a state function (for myriad

Idaho prisons should be receiving cuts, not increases (and CCA contracts
should be eliminated ASAP).  CPS should not be receiving cuts.  Education
should not be receiving cuts.  The school-to-prison pipeline needs to be


On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Art Deco <deco at moscow.com> wrote:

>  Roger,
> What magic formula do you propose to determine the probability of
> reoffending of any given convicted pedophile?  Do you have any idea what the
> estimated recidivism rates are?  Or that the younger the victims and the
> more victims are fairly clear indices of potential reoffending?
> w.
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* lfalen <lfalen at turbonet.com>
> *To:* ttrail at moscow.com
> *Cc:* vision2020 at moscow.com
> *Sent:* Monday, March 07, 2011 10:42 AM
> *Subject:* [Vision2020] Child Protective Services
> Tom
> I went to a 4-H training session in Lewiston Saturday.  One of the subjects
> was child protection. The amount of abuse that occurs in relation to
> children is shocking. I do not know where things stand on the budget, but I
> would encourage everyone to make sure that there are no cuts in Child
> Protective Services. This is a area that needs attention. There are  other
> areas that can be legitimately cut. One would be the prision budget. It
> costs a lot of money to keep people in prision. Except for those that are a
> danger to society and should never be released, it is questionable to keep
> people locked up for a long period of time. It may be fine for a short
> sentence as punishment, but there should be better ways to deal with those
> that are not a physical treat to society.
> Again Child Protective Services needs to stay fully funded.
> Roger
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the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be
replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another
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