[Vision2020] that Jared guy and mental health

Dan Carscallen areaman at moscow.com
Fri Jan 28 07:47:49 PST 2011

Vizzz peeps,


We live in a free society.  One of the prices we pay for living here is that
there are some loonballs running around who could snap at any minute.
Should they be?  Probably not, but who is to say when and how these folks
should be rounded up and treated?  Sure, I think all of us can talk about
the guy in our neighborhood that seems a little sketchy, but what are we
supposed to do?  Call the cops and have them haul him in because he doesn't
fit society's norm?  I think there are a lot of folks, right here on the
Vizzz even, that don't necessarily follow the "norm".   But we go along and
live our lives in our free society.


The media talked to this Jared guy's neighbors, and they said "yes, he
seemed like a nutjob", but what were they to do?  They watched him, kept
their distance, stayed as vigilant as they could.  Unfortunately, he
"slipped through the cracks".  Should he have been prevented from buying a
pistol?  Maybe, but in a free society, how?  He wasn't a convicted felon, he
answered all the questions properly, and he paid his money.  It's not a
speedy process, no matter who or where you are.  Even with a concealed
weapon permit, and a pre-checked background, it's not quick by any means.  


This can't be blamed on rhetoric, nor on extremists from either side of the
aisle.  The blame lays solely on a sick man who obviously needs help.  And,
perhaps, the "blame" lays on the freedom we enjoy by being citizens of the
United States of America.


Your pal



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