[Vision2020] Providing Regulation for Vacancies in Elective Civil Offices

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Wed Jan 26 11:38:42 PST 2011

Greetings Visionaires -


The Idaho House State Affairs Committee met this morning to discuss, among
other things . . .





Provide Regulations for Vacancies in Elective Civil Offices (sponsored by
Rep. Tom Trail)






Next Up:


RS20192C2 (Nullification), as discussed and voted in the House State Affairs
Committee, that merely hours later became House Bill #59, State Sovereignty.


House Bill #59



Stay tuned . . .


Tom Hansen

Moscow, Idaho

"Corporations are an oppressed minority forced to move headquarters from
state to state in search of friendlier tax codes--sometimes being forced to
live just off our shores in tiny mailboxes." 


- John Oliver, The Daily Show


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