[Vision2020] Superficial Editorial

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Tue Aug 30 09:07:28 PDT 2011

Courtesy of today's (August 30, 2011) Moscow-Pullman Daily News with special thanks to Joshua Yeidel of Viola.

Superficial editorial

This weekend's editorial (Daily News, Aug. 27 & 28) about the megaload protests in Moscow is amazingly superficial for professed journalists. By removing all context, you trivialize the protest as a futile attempt to stop an oil company truck.

Of course, the protest was much more than that. It was a signal to all those who are passionately concerned about the Earth, our only home, that they are not alone in their passion or their concern. And it was a signal to those who are unaware of the brutal rape of Alberta, giant tar sands exploitation, that they have something to learn (search "tar sands action" on Facebook or "tar sands invasion" on Google).

Of course the protest was "symbolic," as you say. So was Rosa Parks' refusal to move to the back of the bus.

Great changes have to start with small, symbolic steps, made by brave people at personal risk.

Moscow can and should be proud of those who think globally and act locally to resist the devastation of our planet.

Joshua Yeidel, Viola


Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
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