[Vision2020] At least one Republican has it right!

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Sat Apr 2 06:56:03 PDT 2011

Clash between politics, religion in N.H.

(NECN: John Moroney) - A war of words stemming from a protest at the New Hampshire State House Thursday. A House majority leader is standing behind his Facebook comments in which he called Bishop John McCormack a "pedophile pimp". 

New Hampshire House Majority Leader DJ Bettencourt is taking a lot of heat in the wake of Thursday's big State House rally. He called the Bishop of Manchester a pedophile pimp for statements the Catholic leader at the rally made about the poor and vulnerable. 

A Catholic, Bettencourt questioned Bishop McCormack's commitment to vulnerable children while working for Cardinal Bernard Law during the clergy's abuse crisis. 

On his Facebook page - the Republican Representative wrote: "This man is a pedophile pimp who should have been led away from the State House in handcuffs with a rain coat over his head in disgrace. He has absolutely no moral credibility to lecture anyone." 

At the rally in New Hampshire, Bishop McCormack told the crowd and NECN the state needs to protect people.    

The diocese responded to the majority leader's comments by saying, in part, "That statement is clearly false, defamatory, and detracts from the real issue. Bishop McCormack's message to the people of New Hampshire yesterday was the simple message of the Gospels. Garth Corriveau is a Catholic, a Democrat and alderman from Manchester who posted his own message on Facebook about the controversy.  

Tags: new hampshire, John Moroney, DJ Bettencourt, Bishop McCormack

Comment by SMPTURLISH:

Bishop John McCormack's role in enabling, facilitating and covering up for the sexual abuse of untold numbers of innocent children in the Archdiocese of Boston, Massachusetts is a matter of record. He, along with Cardinal Bernard Law and a number of his fellows in the archdiocese have never been truly accountable or transparent about their involvement. State authorities should have prosecuted these individuals instead of cutting deals with them to avoid prosecution. To that extent, along with church hierarchy, they have failed the children of their states. Having failed to follow the words of Jesus Christ to protect children in the first place, church leadership cannot and should not be trusted to do the morally right thing now. Just look at the Archdiocese of Philadelphia where too many people trusted Cardinal Justin Rigali to do the right thing after the 2005 Philadelphia Grand Jury Report on the Archdiocese was released only to learn with the 2011 Grand Jury Report that very little of substance had actually been done in the intervening six years. http://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/news/local_news/Philadelphia_Catholic_Protestors_040111

All statutes of limitation, criminal and civil, must be removed regarding the sexual abuse of children - BY ANYONE. And there needs to be a civil window of at least two years to bring forward previously time barred cases of childhood sexual abuse - BY ANYONE. We did it in DELAWARE and we are attempting to do it in PENNSYLVANIA with the CHILD VICTIMS HOUSE BILLS 832 


Wayne A. Fox
1009 Karen Lane
PO Box 9421
Moscow, ID  83843

waf at moscow.com
208 882-7975
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