[Vision2020] Lewiston Tribune Quotes Freeze Church Pastor: Vision2020 Using His Sermons Against Bouma

Ted Moffett starbliss at gmail.com
Thu Oct 21 10:34:38 PDT 2010

I read the Lewiston Tribune article in question yesterday from the
paper version, but today when I searched for info on this article, the
source below was first on the list from Google Search using "2020
lewiston tribune october 20 2010 bouma postcards" as search words.  On
the blog at the website below a certain "Integrity Defense Fund" is
referenced in comments after the article text:


Quote from Lewiston Tribune article:

"Knerr declined to say who he thought might be responsible for the
postcard, but he criticized people participating on Moscow's Vision
20-20, an Internet community discussion site, for using his sermons to
besmirch Bouma."
Vision2020 Post: Ted Moffett

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