Shelley Roderick cjsnightclub at cableone.net
Fri Oct 15 12:28:05 PDT 2010

Below is a copy of an email from Jerry Coleman who is running for assessor
of Latah County. This man is extremely prejudice. It also appears he may be
giving special appraisals to some in the community because of the appraiser
position he currently holds at the assessor’s office. This man should not be
elected. In my opinion he should be fired. During my property tax appeal
hearing Mr. Coleman measured and re- measured many buildings incorrectly.
Example, The owner of Tri State stated in the Lewiston Tribune that Tri
State in Moscow was 55,000 square feet. Mr. Coleman measured it at 48,000
plus square feet. For years he states the McConnell building is 3 stories.
It is 4. The elevator stops on 4 floors. There are many more properties in
I worked closely with Randy Fife, City attorney for Moscow, to enact laws
making strip bars and such illegal in Moscow. My credibility is not in
question here.
Regarding the presence of our elected officials at my tax appeal hearing,
well, anybody could ask them to attend their appeals, just like I did. I
personally needed them there because of the egregious acts perpetrated by
Jerry Coleman against me.
Back in 2004 Jerry Coleman tried to use his power and position to tax me out
of business and force me to lose my life’s work. He tried to raise my
property taxes 533%. This of course would bankrupt anybody. This man is not
good for any office. Vote NO for Jerry Coleman. 
 CJ’s has donated approx. $100,000.00 in the last 14 years to the community.
What have you donated, Mr. Coleman?
The Moscow/Pullman Daily News refused to print this email. I ask myself why?
The power to tax is the power to destroy.

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