[Vision2020] Unconfirmed Rumors About Latah Republicans Repeated

Saundra Lund v2020 at ssl.fastmail.fm
Tue Oct 12 19:42:29 PDT 2010

Roger, is your denial that the conversation between Paula Bauer (who we all
know tells lies -- that's how she got the Bouma Prayer Room at the Nazarene
Church on primary day) & Bill Goesling took place an official one?  IOW, are
you speaking for Mr. Goesling?  If so, why can't he speak for himself?

If you're denial isn't an official one, then *you're* just spreading an
unconfirmed rumor!

Saundra Lund
Moscow, ID

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do
~ Edmund Burke

***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2010 through life plus
70 years, Saundra Lund.  Do not copy, forward, excerpt, or reproduce outside
the Vision 2020 forum without the express written permission of the

-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
On Behalf Of lfalen
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 1:38 PM
To: Tom Hansen; Moscow Vision 2020
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Unconfirmed Rumors About Latah Republicans

The speculatioin on the unconfirmed rumors is not true. There were two
resignations from the Executive Committee. They were due to a lack of time
and a conflict with family events. Shelley McGuire is retaining her position
as a precinct person. As for the discission between Paula Bauer and Bill
Goesling, It did not happen.
-----Original message-----
From: "Tom Hansen" thansen at moscow.com
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2010 07:14:19 -0700
To: "Moscow Vision 2020" vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: [Vision2020] Unconfirmed Rumors About Latah Republicans Repeated

> Courtesy of today's (October 9, 2010) Moscow-Pullman Daily News with 
> special thanks to the INKster Vera White.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> INK: Unconfirmed rumors about Latah Republicans repeated
> October 9, 2010
> The INKster was pleased to have received a personal invitation to 
> Friday's groundbreaking celebration for the Veterinary Medical 
> Research Center at Washington State University. She wasn't able to 
> attend, but it gives her an opportunity to once again say good things 
> about the wonderful works performed at WSU's College of Veterinary 
> Medicine, one of the top schools in the country.
> As readers may remember, the INKster's beloved pet, the late Cookie, 
> was rushed there about a decade ago when she tumbled down a long 
> flight of steps from the deck and messed up her back. After going 
> through a lengthy surgery and subsequent therapy treatments, she 
> returned home as good as new.
> The Cookster never forgot the wonderful care she received there and 
> the kindnesses extended by staff to her mistress.
> The new research center will only enhance the great works being 
> accomplished by those dedicated folks at the Vet School.
> As sad as it sounds, many people are calling and asking for Gary 
> Schroeder yard signs, according to son, Barrett.
> In the primary, Gresham Bouma defeated the longtime District 6 
> Republican senator.
> "Most people don't seem to realize dad lost," Barrett recently told 
> the INKster.
> Barrett, a Republican precinct committeeman who served a decade as 
> vice chairman of the Latah County Republicans, urged people to get out 
> and vote on Election Day otherwise "they might get surprised the day 
> after the election."
> In a recent Daily News letter to the editor, Tom Anderson of Moscow 
> urged people to not cast their vote for Republican Raul Labrador who 
> is running for the U.S. House of Representatives in Idaho's 1st 
> Congressional District against Democrat Walt Minnick.
> Anderson blasts Labrador for his shabby treatment of Minnick, accusing 
> him of lying about his Vietnam War record. The INKster also has posed 
> questions about Minnick's military record in earlier columns, but she 
> found Anderson's letter interesting since he is vice chairman of the 
> Latah County Republicans.
> And to compound seeming unrest within the Latah County GOP, the 
> INKster learned last week that Shelley McGuire and Brian Croston 
> resigned from the Republican executive committee, leaving only six members
> Although she couldn't nail it down, it would be the Inkster's guess 
> these two couldn't support Bouma, who is running as a Republican but 
> appears to me to be more strongly affiliated with the Tea Party.
> Although Anderson couldn't bring himself to vote for Minnick since it 
> "might help (House Speaker Nancy) Pelosi," he intends to write-in the 
> name of Vaughn Ward, an Iraq War veteran who lost in the primaries.
> The INKster finds it disturbing those Republican Party officials are 
> leaving their posts so soon before election, because it sounds like 
> there is definitely a split in the ranks.
> "I hope the Democrats are working hard as it seems this election is 
> going to be handed to them on a silver platter," one Republican friend 
> predicted recently.
> Like him or not, and the INKster doesn't, Bouma appears to be making 
> waves in his run for the District 6 senate seat.
> The latest rumor to come across the INKster's desk is that Bouma 
> campaign manager Paula Bauer recently had a "come to Jesus" talk with 
> Republican Latah County Commissioner candidate Bill Goesling who is 
> running against Democrat Commissioner Tom Stroschein.
> "She (Bauer) sat him down and made him change his mind on abortion or 
> they wouldn't let him put up his yard signs in their locations," one 
> anonymous source told the INKster.
> In an attempt to confirm this, the INKster called a friend in the 
> commission district to see if this rumor was true.
> "Apparently it is," said the person who didn't want to be identified. 
> "His
> (Goesling) position now appears to be pro-life."
> Although she doesn't know Goesling and if this is indeed true, the 
> INKster doesn't think this says much about the strength of his
> If ever there was a time for sane people in Latah County to get out 
> and vote, it is the Nov. 2 election.
> the blotter rests.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Seeya at the polls, Moscow.
> Tom Hansen
> Moscow, Idaho
> "The Pessimist complains about the wind, the Optimist expects it to 
> change and the Realist adjusts his sails."
> - Unknown
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