[Vision2020] Alaska vote count

Gary Crabtree jampot at roadrunner.com
Sat Nov 13 16:47:58 PST 2010

Yes let's:

The CBO doesn't (couldn't) take into account the sham that is the "doctors fix' and the "medicare spending reductions" that will either not be enacted due to the din of howling seniors or, if implanted, will shift costs to the states and in turn to the doctors and hospitals, decreasing supplies of both while increasing demand.

Granted since the midterm elections, cap and tax is as dead as Pelosi's speakership but, that was not the case at the time of the tea parties conception. There is still talk of enacting some of its more costly provisions through regulatory channels. Please detail for me the senate plan for rebates for loses due to jobs sent over seas or eliminated entirely. Reduced Government watchdogs such as the tea party movement do well to be attentive.

What a joke! Of course the money had an effect on payrolls. The only way it would not have would have been to simply light it on fire. (something I do not put past the Obama whitehouse) The administration has spent 110 Billion of the 787 Billion appropriated. Would you like to show me how that has positively impacted jobless numbers and housing starts? Preventing the incineration of the remaining 675 Billion and change is a legitimate concern for tea party members.

As to the government payroll, the number of federal employees making 150,000.00 or more a year has doubled since Obama took office. In addition, the president plans to give to give a 1.4% across-the-board pay raise to 2.1 million federal workers. Workers who, for the most part, are being compensated at a level that is considerably greater then that of their private sector counterparts. Big money in terms of the defict? No. A worry for small government conservatives? You betcha.



From: "Andreas Schou" <ophite at gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 2:34 PM
To: "Gary Crabtree" <jampot at roadrunner.com>
Cc: "keely emerinemix" <kjajmix1 at msn.com>; <v2020 at ssl.fastmail.fm>; <lfalen at turbonet.com>; <ckovis at turbonet.com>; <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Alaska vote count

> Let's just talk about all this:
>> surely a huge increase in health care spending,
> There isn't one. The CBO score on the ACA is a net positive.
>> the enormous expense of cap & trade,
> Cap-and-trade didn't even pass the Senate, and (in its Senate
> chairman's mark) rebated the money to energy consumers on the back
> end.
>> continued ineffective stimulus spending,
> First off, even Republican economists concede that the stimulus had an
> effect on total payrolls -- like, for instance, Douglas Holtz-Eakin,
> McCain's top economics advisor. Second, what bill is or was continuing
> to proceed through Congress that even proposes to continue stimulus
> spending?
>> an unprecedented increase in government payroll
> Government employment has shrunk under Obama, unless you count
> temporary census workers.
> -- ACS
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